Due to 用法

2008-02-23 6:29 pm
"Due to many parents have no time to take care their child, those children sometime will be neglected"

"Due to this unhealthy trend, it will not only XXXXXX"

我想問上面果2句個Due to有冇用錯啊?
我個fd話"due to"係加noun ,no SVO

同埋咩叫noun phrase?

回答 (3)

2008-02-23 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to
1. 由於
例句:Her absence was due to the storm.


noun phrase
1. 名詞短語

短語動詞(phrasal verbs) 其實在西方好似中國成語一樣

性或詞類(英文為part of speech或word class)是根據一個詞的本意及在短語或句子中所起到的作用劃分的。在轉換-生成語法中,詞性稱作辭彙範疇。詞性包括開放性的(經常吸收引進新詞)與封閉性的(很少或從不吸收引進新詞)。

用在名詞、代詞或短語前面,跟這些詞或短語結合,向動詞、形容詞表示行 為、動作的時間、處所、方向、對象等的詞。


● get a move on:趕快
  “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.”
● get one's head down:靜靜地工作
  “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.”
● get one's hands on...:要得到……
  “They all want to get their hands on the old man's money.”
● get someone's back up:使……討厭
  “You will just get your friend's back up if you keep on being nasty.”
● put in an appearance:露臉
  “As is often the case, the director will put in an appearance in every office and then leave.”
● put... in the picture:把近況告訴……
  “What new machines have been acquired? The manager wants the purchasing officer to put him in the picture.”
● put... in the shade:使……遜色
  “The three winning essays have put all the others in the shade.”
● put... on the map:讓……出名
  “Some popular new products put the manufacturers on the map.”
● put... off the scent:誤導……
  “The suspect managed to put the police off the scent by directing them to a wrong place.”
● put on airs:擺架子
  “I avoid talking to those who are arrogant and putting on airs too much.”
● put... on his guard:勸……當心
  “Rumours that the company will lay off staff put some on the guard.”
● put... on a pedestal:把……當偶像崇拜
  “Many students put their knowledgeable teachers on a pedestal by accepting their ideas without question.”

● Have a good time:過著愉快時光﹔
● Have no say in... :對……沒發言權﹔
● Have a good eye for...:對……有鑒賞力﹔
● Have one's hands full:某人很忙﹔
● Have a weakness for...:(不知何故)很喜愛……﹔
● Have one's heart in...:熱衷于……﹔
● Have too many irons in the fire:同時要做的事很多﹔
● Have designs on...:對……有不良企圖﹔
2008-02-23 7:34 pm
due to 中文解作 "由於"


跟noun的~ I 'm late "due to an accident"
2008-02-23 6:58 pm
due to - 因為
due - adjective , 好像是祇能與名詞連接使用 , 但是現在許多都以動詞連接
用法如 preposition - because of , caused by

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