factor completely 9x^2-25?

2008-02-23 6:29 am

回答 (7)

2008-02-23 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
(3x - 5)(3x + 5)
9x² + 15x - 15x - 25
9x² - 25 (as required)
2008-02-23 2:31 pm
(3x + 5)(3x - 5)
2008-02-23 2:32 pm
Difference of squares:
9x² - 25 = (3x)² - 5²
= (3x + 5)(3x - 5)
2008-02-23 4:01 pm

(3x + 5) (3x - 5)

i got both quantities with different signs

i got 3x because it is the square root of 9x^2

i got 5 because it is the square root of 25

ihope this helps

2008-02-23 2:31 pm
2008-02-23 2:31 pm
9x^2 - 25
= (3x - 5)(3x + 5)
2008-02-23 4:38 pm
9x² - 25 = (3x)² - 5²
= (3x + 5)(3x - 5)

HAve FuN..!!!

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