FERGIE_glamorous.... cute guy???

2008-02-22 10:48 pm
hello to everyone!

does anyone by chance know the name of the really cute guy who's in fergie's glamorous clip? the one who's serving her champagne ;)

thnx 4 all your answers! :)

回答 (5)

2008-02-22 10:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no because he isnt famouse it dosent say
2008-02-22 10:53 pm
he's not famous so it wouldn't say so that means we don't know
2008-02-23 11:58 am
no dear
2008-02-22 11:00 pm
which one?
2016-05-23 10:43 am
Cute guys :3

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