
2008-02-23 3:52 am
只知e=energy,m=mass,c=the speed of light

老師教heat話substance係absolute zero既時候係無energy




回答 (4)

2008-02-23 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
而係老師教heat既時候因為你地未有能量及質量守衡(conservation of energy and mass)的概念,所以就簡單咁話佢冇晒能量。不過佢所指的只是物質的動能及內能,並不包括質量。

2008-02-22 21:15:10 補充:
2008-02-28 2:43 am
2008-02-23 4:55 am
By Albert, Mass = Energy.
They are the same in related by the equation E=mc^2.
That is 1 kg mass is equal to 9*10^16J Energy.
What does it mean? If 1kg mass disappear, 9*10^16J energy will be produced.
The principle of Nuclear energy is according th this equation.
In Nuclear Fission, one big nucleus will split into two smaller nucleus. However, the total mass of the two daughter nucleus is smaller than the mass of the parent nucleus. Where have the mass gone? The mass have changed into energy by the famous equation. This energy is called rest energy.
For a substance at 0K(absolute zero), at 200K or even at 10000K, it's mass will not change. Therefore its rest energy is constant.

Your teacher said at 0K the substance has no energy. It is also correct.
A substance contains millions of millions of millions of particles. However, the particles are not at rest. In gas and liquid, particles are moving randomly. In solid, particles are not moving but they are fixed at a certain position. However, they are not at rest. They are vibrating. Therefore, no matter what the state of the substance is, the particles inside do have some KE. The total KE of all the particles in the substance is the energy told by your teacher. However, when the substance is at 0K, (it should be a solid), the particles will stop vibrating. They have no KE so the substance has no energy. But as the substance still has MASS, its rest energy is not zero.
NOTE the internal Energy of a substance is the sum of the KE and PE of all the particles. PE is zero for ideal gas and minimum(negative value) for solid.

NOTE 2: the equation stated by the above one should be
E = m*c*dT while
E = change in energy
m = mass
c = specific heat capacity
dt = change in temperature
參考: me, any question, email me: [email protected]
2008-02-23 4:40 am
I found some information in Wikipedia encylopedia. Hope this help.

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