bubble-bee 點解?

2008-02-23 3:46 am
成句係, in my eyes , you are hard-working as a bubble-bee.

回答 (3)

2008-02-23 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
bubble-bee ... 好似冇呢個字,

bumblebee 就知, 解 '大黃蜂 / 熊蜂'。

2008-02-23 00:11:23 補充:
in my eyes , you are hard-working as a bubble-bee 整句意思係:在我眼中,你就好像大黃蜂一樣那麼勤力。

2008-02-23 00:12:11 補充:
in my eyes , you are hard-working as a bumblebee. 整句意思係:在我眼中,你就好像大黃蜂一樣那麼勤力。
2008-02-23 8:28 pm
bubble-bee is a kind of bee. Bee is hard-working all its life. Just a way of saying someone is hardworking.
2008-02-23 6:53 am
猜想你mean bumble-bee, meaning 蜜蜂,是bombus 蜂之種類,makes a loud humming noise 發出嗡嗡聲的, 又可稱作humble bee. 因蜜蜂不停忙於採蜜, 故有形容到......在我眼中,你忙忙碌碌的有如蜜蜂。
參考: self and Oxford dictionary

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