F.3 Reported speech(20分)唔該答好D呀''thank you

2008-02-23 3:27 am
PartA Reported speech without tense change
1.Chinese New Year isn't always in january.(Mum/tell me)
Mum told me that_____________________
2.Fast food is unhealthy and I seldom have it.(Simon/say)
3.My birthday is on the fifteenth of June.(Clara/say)
4.I'm afraid of cats because their eyes look scary.(Sam/explain)
5.Winter in Hong Kong is getting shorter.(the teacher/tell the class)
6.My dog keeps barking every night.(Mr Lee/complain)
7.I don't like Japanese food.(Mark/say)

8.Our teacher is kind and patient.(the students/say) PartB Reported speech with questions 1.'Am I a popular person?'asked Tommy.


2.'Where are my shoes?'asked Mum. 3.'When do you get up every morning?'asked Mrs Wong. 4.'Do the children enjoy reading storybooks?'asked Mr Tam


PART C Reported speech with tense change 1.I'm very happy.(Ken)Ken said that______________ 2.They're playing computer games.(Nick) 3.Joe is having his Japanese class now.(Mr Wan)


4.I'm preparing some sandwiches.(Mrs Lee) 5.Benny isn't feeling well today.(Sarah) 6.It's my first time going to a concert.(Jim)


PART D Reported speech with questions 1.Is anything worrying you at the moment? 2.Are you facing any difficulties in your studies? 3.How often do you see or talk to your parents? 4.How many good friends do you have?


5.What do you do with your friends? 6.Who is your best friend? 7.Is you best friend willing to listen to you?


Part E Reported speech with tense change 1.I'm feeling unlucky this week. 2.I don't feel like eating. 3.I'm having a bad headache now. 4.I worry about my exams a lot.


5.You're asking the right person. 6.Red is your lucky colour this week. 7.You need to do some exercise. 8.You're not feeling well because you're too tired. 9.You don't have to worry because you're going to get good marks in your exams.


Part E Reported speech with tense change She told him(1)______________________________.She also told him(2)_________________.She then told him(3)_____________________.Finally, she told him(5)____________________________. The fortune-teller said(6)_________________________.


He told her(6)______________________________.He also told her(7)_______________________.He then said(8)____________________________.Finally,he told her(9)____________________________.


Part F How are you lately?It's been a long time since I last wrote. Have you ever been to a fortune-teller?My friend Emily went to see a fortune-teller last week.She said that it1.(is/was)an interesting experience and suggested that I2.(ought to/must)vivit him,too I was curious about it,


so I asked my sister Jenny to go with me. We agreed that we should3.(tell/told)our mum about the visit. When we told Mumabout our plan,Mum said that we4.(had better not/must not)tell a stranger too many things such as our telephone numbers and the school we go to.


She said,5.(Why don't you/Should)prepare a list of questions?I'll take a look before you go.'Then I prepared some questions and let her take a look .


She said,5.(Why don't you/Should)prepare a list of questions?I'll take a look before you go.'Then I prepared some questions and let her take a look .


It was raining the day we went to the fortune-teller.We spent half an hour there. The fortune-teller asked what our names3.(are/were),7.(when were we born/ when we were born)and8.(what did we want to know about/what we wanted to know about).


We told him that we9.(want/wanted)to know if wewere having any luck that week.He talked very slowly and did not say a lot.He said that green clothes10.(are/were)my lucky charms that week.He then told Jenny that her luck11.(is improving/was improving).


Jenny was happy to hear that.Before we left,he asked12.(whether/why not)we would com to see him again.I told him that I13.(need/needed)to ask Mum first.I tried putting on something green the day after the visit,but Ididn't have any luck at all.


Jenny was happy to hear that.Before we left,he asked12.(whether/why not)we would com to see him again.I told him that I13.(need/needed)to ask Mum first.I tried putting on something green the day after the visit,but Ididn't have any luck at all.


I failed my test and lost my watch last week.I think we14.(should not/must not)believe everything a fortune-teller.

回答 (2)

2008-02-23 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Chinese New Year isn't always in january.(Mum/tell me)
Mum told me that New Year is not always in January.

2.Fast food is unhealthy and I seldom have it.(Simon/say)
Simon said that fast food is unhealthy and he seldom has it.

3.My birthday is on the fifteenth of June.(Clara/say)
Clara said that her birthday is on the fifteenth of June.

4.I'm afraid of cats because their eyes look scary.(Sam/explain)
Sam explained that she is afraid of cat because their eyes look scary.

5.Winter in Hong Kong is getting shorter.(the teacher/tell the class)
The teacher told the class that winter in Hong Kong is getting shorter.

6.My dog keeps barking every night.(Mr Lee/complain)
Mr Lee complained that his dog keeps barking every night.

7.I don't like Japanese food.(Mark/say)
Mark said that he doesn't like Japanese food.

8.Our teacher is kind and patient.(the students/say)
The students said that their teacher is kind and patient.

Actually, the title of this part "Reported speech without tense change" tells you that
you just remain the oringinal tenses and only change the pronouns into correct form in the speech, then it'll be okay.

PartB Reported speech with questions
1.'Am I a popular person?'asked Tommy.
Tommy asked that if he was a popular person.

2.'Where are my shoes?'asked Mum.
Mum asked that where her shoes were.

3.'When do you get up every morning?'asked Mrs Wong.
Mrs Wong asked that when I got up every morning.

4.'Do the children enjoy reading storybooks?'asked Mr Tam.
Mr Tam asked if children enjoyed reading storybooks.

2008-02-23 08:04:16 補充:
PART C 1. Ken said that he was very happy.2. Nick said that they were playing computer games.3. Mr Wan said that Joe was having his Japanese class that time.

2008-02-23 08:04:40 補充:
4.Mrs Lee said that she was preparing some sandwiches.5.Sarah said that Benny was not feeling well that day.6.Jim said that that was his first time going to a concert.

2008-02-23 20:18:46 補充:
PART D Reported speech with questions 1. If I worried something at that moment.2. If I was facing some difficulties in my studies.3. How often I saw or talk to my parents.4. How many good friends I had.

2008-02-23 20:40:13 補充:
5. What I did with my friends.6. Who my best friend was.7. If my best friend was willing to listen to me.

2008-02-23 20:40:32 補充:
Part E Reported speech with tense change 1. He/She was feeling unlucky that week.2. He/She didn't feel like eating.3. He/She was having a bad headache that time.4. He/She worried about his/her exams a lot.

2008-02-23 20:44:34 補充:
5.I/He/She was asking the right person.6.Red was my/his/her lucky colour that week.7.I/He/She needed to do some exercise.8.I/He/She was not feeling well beause I/he/she was too tired.9.I/He/She didn't have to worry because I/he/she was going to get good marks in my/his/her exams.

2008-02-24 15:18:31 補充:
1 was2 ought to3 tell4 must not5 Why don't you6 were7 when we were born8 what we wanted to know about9 wanted10 were11 was improving12 whether13 needed14 should not

2008-02-24 20:54:10 補充:
"補充時間:2008-02-24 15:18:31" is Part F
2008-02-23 3:56 am
1.MUN told me that Chinese New Year wasn't always in january.
2.Simon said that fast food was unhealthy and he seldom have it.
3.Clara said that her birthday was on the fifteenth of June.
4.Sam explained that he was afraid of cats because their eyes looked scary.
5.The teacher told the class that in Hong Kong was getting shorter.
6.Mr Lee complained that his dog kept barking every night.
7.Mark said that he didn't like Japanese food.
8.The students said that their teacher was kind and patient.
1.Tommy asked that if he was a popular person.
2.Mum asked that where were me shoes.
3.Mrs Wong asked that when did I get up every morning.
4.Mr Tam asked that if the children enjoyed reading storybooks.
參考: 我自己的知識

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