
2008-02-23 2:01 am
We go often fishing
We often go fishing
We often goes fishing


回答 (9)

2008-02-23 3:11 pm
usually, we put the time frame before the verb

therefore, the only correct answer will be B
We often go fishing

C is wrong because WE is plural, which means there should not be s/es behind the verb

fishing in this case act as a noun (the activity) rather than a verb.
go is the verb
2008-02-23 2:19 am
We often go fishing啱嘅
2008-02-23 2:18 am
"We"係多過一個人,所以之後既verb(動詞)一定唔會有"s"架! 所以"goes"係錯。
參考: 自己
2008-02-23 2:14 am
全部都錯!!答案應該係We go fishing often
參考: 自己
2008-02-23 2:13 am
We often go fishing 是對的,你可以說成 We go fishing often 亦可。
至於 We goes fishing本身就已經不對,he / she / it 才會用goes。
參考: hkslot
2008-02-23 2:13 am
應該We often go fishing
因為Verb to be
參考: 自己
2008-02-23 2:12 am
We go often fishing 我們去經常釣魚 We often go fishing 我們經常問釣魚 We often goes fishing 我們經常去釣魚
所以第三個先對(We often goes fishing 我們經常去釣魚)
2008-02-23 2:09 am
We often go fishing

We often goes fishing(no we係第二人稱 係use are)
參考: me
2008-02-23 2:08 am
We go often fishing錯
We often go fishing對
We often goes fishing錯
參考: me form 1

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