請問 心照不宣, 英文可以點寫呢??

2008-02-23 1:20 am
請問 心照不宣, 英文可以點寫呢??

如果可以,煩請附以例句,thx x 10000000000000 !!

回答 (7)

2008-02-23 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
心照不宣 - 即是大家都各自知道對方的感覺。
phr. vb. : no need to say how grateful I am

Example: As I have married with Mary for 4 years, there is no need to say how grateful I am

2008-02-23 01:32:43 補充:
It seems you didn't go home last night! Well, no need to say, you had been there again!

2008-02-23 01:39:20 補充:
tacit 標示解釋 (yahoo dictionary) 釋義 同義字/反義字 KK: []DJ: [] a.[Z]1. 緘默的,不說話的2. 不明言的,默示的The deal had the tacit approval of the President.這筆交易得到總統的默許。3. 【律】由法律的效力而產生的,法定的tacit 通常作解緘默, 但你這裏用fairly understood 或 no need to say/tell 比較切合你的意思, 並不包含默許的意味.
2008-02-23 2:45 am
yesterday,you didn`t go home,understood!
參考: 我
2008-02-23 2:31 am

The deal had the tacit approval of the President.
2008-02-23 1:43 am
to have a pretty good idea of; to know fairly well; to know what's what; to know at heart

I have a pretty good idea of the method to solve this problem

(嗰個example係我寫ge,so唔係太準,但係個寫法係揾,so it's trusty)

2008-02-22 17:45:15 補充:
sor I 'm not really know
2008-02-23 1:29 am
What you have done is already understood in my/your heart.
2008-02-23 1:27 am
understand each other [you and I] without say a word
thoughtful each other lacking talk
參考: my own opinion
2008-02-23 1:24 am
your heart should know
參考: me

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