我想知in home 做的事情(英文)
回答 (3)
add in "i have" in front of every sentences except no.1
1. I have readed story books
2. sang
3. danced
4. drew pictures
5. done homeworks
6. studied
7. done revisions for the HKCEA exam
8. played piano
9. cooked the meal
10. swept the floor
11. watched television
12. played computer games
13. slept
14. ate
15. cleaned up the bed room
16. washed dishes
17. done houseworks
18. washed clothes
19. exercised
20. pratised oral
21. listened music
22. packed up books, clothes...etc.
23. mop the floor
24. taught younger sister doing homeworks
25. had a chat with friends online
26. had a home tutor's lesson
27. played with pets
28. fed pets
29. took a nap
30. answered Yahoo Knowledge's questions
i listed more than 25...hope all of these can help u^^
2008-02-23 19:04:50 補充:
1. i have read story books (the present perfect of read is oso read)
參考: myself
I have cleaned the window.
I have watched the television.
I have played the computer for an hour.
I have taken a bath.
I have swept the floor.
I have fed my fish.
I have done my homework.
I have washed my hair.
I have washed my clothes.
I have cooked my breakfast.
2008-02-22 20:07:38 補充:
I have tidied my bed.I have hung up my washing.I have played cards with my friends
參考: myself
2008-02-22 16:25:22 補充:
making the bed, clearing the table ,washing the dishes, hang up the washing, playing computer games, reading story books, phoning your relatives, playing mahjong with your mother, day dreaming, sitting and doing nothing, singing loudly, dancing naked, ....much more than you can think!
收錄日期: 2021-04-14 20:14:55
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