我想問英文 - "nothing personal" 點解?

2008-02-22 11:46 pm
我想問英文 - "nothing personal" 點解?

回答 (7)

2008-02-22 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
比如你老細或上司鬧完你,跟住話nothing personal,即是話係對事唔對人...大概係咁.
參考: 自己
2008-02-23 2:35 am
nothing personal---------個人無關
2008-02-23 12:11 am
"nothing personal"是指(沒有什麼個人的)
2008-02-23 12:06 am
nothing personal=唔單止係個人嘅事

for expamples:

my apologies to all involved in the case; it was nothing personal.

It was nothing personal, just a business arrangement.

This is the most astonishing statement I have heard. There is nothing personal here. As judge of this court, I merely rule upon questions as they arise.
2008-02-23 12:01 am

2008-02-22 16:03:50 補充:
參考: 我自己
2008-02-22 11:57 pm
That means everything is not personal and open.
2008-02-22 11:57 pm
nothing personal 解 "唔係針對你" 的意思

2008-02-22 15:59:30 補充:

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