A question for Atheist?

2008-02-22 6:49 am
I know you don't believe in God, but do you believe there was a man named Jesus Christ that was a human? I don't know where you stand on that and I was just curious. Christians, please no rude comments or insults, I respect everyone's opinions.

回答 (37)

2008-02-22 5:02 pm
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lmao at first answer

In Jesus Christs day there were plenty of preachers im sure so there is no reason he couldnt have existed, its very possible, was he the messiah, i dont know but a dude with long hair and a beard who claimed to be messiah was probably quite common back then

did he perform miracles, could of done but maybe he just did great things that have been misconstrued as miracles, but the only way i could answer was if i was there when it happend

maybe he was a good swimmer and somebody pointed and said, HEY he can swim so well its almost as if he's walking on water tis amazing

then somebody overheard this and thought Jesus can walk on water? COOL ill write that down, perhaps Jesus had a little vinyard and him an hi spals got drunk

all of what i have written probably complete crap, the only reason i answered is cause youre so damn awesome
2008-02-22 6:54 am
Yes I do believe Jesus was a actual man. I believe he does exist and was a real human. However I DOESN'T believe he's god's son or have any special power or whatever. I believe he's just a very helpful man whose people made to look bigger than life then eventually become what christians claim he is.
2008-02-22 7:01 am
Most non-christians accept that he existed, and they just believe that the supernatural angles of his life were added after his death (after all, the Gospels weren't written until well after his death so they could have been exaggerated).

Some people take a position that he was not in fact a real person, the "mythical Jesus" theory. They cite lack of non-biased historical record, and also the fact that there are other mythical characters from earlier cultures that share much of Jesus' mythology (borne of a virgin, rose from the dead etc)

One quick thing, the term 'Christ' means 'Lord' in Biblical language, so in the non-Christian context maybe Jesus of Nazareth is the most accurate name for him.
2008-02-22 6:54 am
I am a Pagan, and I do believe in Jesus. I also believe that there's a possibility that He could be a God. No one REALLY knows. I believe that He was a beautiful and caring man. He was wise and gifted by the Divine. This I know.

Blessed Be.
2008-02-22 7:05 am
As an atheist, I don't know whether the actual Jesus, as described in Judeo/Xtian scriptural text, existed. That being said, I have no problem accepting the humanity of such a person, but the supernatural qualities assigned I find beyond reason...in the realm of myth.
2008-02-22 6:57 am
I believe there is/was/always will be a man somewhere named Jesus Christ (plenty of them in the south-west US)

But *the* Jesus? I don't see why not. There's no proof either way of his existance. If it was true, he was an inspirational man, who taught good values. I just truely hate what Christianity became. If people actually lived how the Bible they supposedly follow told them, the world would be great. Does God have any effect on that? no. He's irrelevent to the matter of living with your values. People use the concept of Hell to scare people into believing them. (Missionaries to African tribes or whatever).

If Jesus WAS real, he was probably an inspiration. This concept of religion is terrible though.
2008-02-22 7:07 am
I don't have an opinion.

I have heard arguments from both sides, those who believe Jesus did exist and those who think Jesus was just a myth. Ever since I became an atheist, his existence became irrelevant to me. Thus I stopped seeking evidence on this matter.

I am sure, however, that if he did exist, he was just a regular human. Not God. Not God's son. Not born out of a virgin mother. No powers. Did not walk on water. Did not turn water to wine. These things are obviously supernatural religion's telltales that cannot be swallowed by atheists.
2008-02-22 1:43 pm
I believe in God and I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of the God. He is a man and also a God.
2008-02-22 8:55 am
There seems to be, or at least there is an attempt to bring about, a growing debate on this question in scholarly circles: Was there an individual, Jesus, who actually lived in the Palestine that corresponds to the figure in the canonical gospels? Or was this figure a fictional composite made up from elements from fanciful Hebrew Bible interpretation (Messianic expectations), pagan patterns (dying god, mother/son deities, and other (historical?) figures that lurk around the literature of the era?

Personally, and this is speaking as an unbeliever, I think the burden of proof rests with those who deny that Jesus was an historical figure. But I do not think this should give much aid and comfort to believers.
2008-02-22 8:26 am
Really? Check your facts!!!

The only (so called proof) is in the bible and nowhere else!!!

Jesus was supposed to have been a big problem to the Romans but there is not a single mention of him in the entire Roman archive!!!

Yet - there were a number of Jews around at the same time claiming to be the Messiah and they are all well recorded!!!

Some Christians claim one mention of Jesus but historians point out that it would have come at least thirty years after his death and was misspelled. Since Jesus was a very common name and Jesus was supposed to have been such a great figure they discount this mention entirely!!

Simple fact is that Christianity is a faith - if you need proof - you lack faith!!!

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