
2008-02-22 7:19 am
please suggest a main course for an old man who cannot cew well.

回答 (1)

2008-02-22 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
老少平安 / Tofu and Minced Fish Cake

Ingredients: 1 box of Soft tofu, 200g of Seasoned & minced flesh of fish, 1 Chinese coriander, 1 tbsp of Cornstarch, 1 Egg.

調味: 鹽和胡椒粉少許、麻油1/2茶匙。

Seasonings:Some Salt & Pepper, 1/2 tsp Sesame oil.

芡汁: 生抽1/2湯匙、老抽1/2湯匙、胡椒粉少許、麻油1茶匙、糖1/2茶匙、白開水2湯匙。

Sauce:1/2 tbsp Light soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp Dark soy sauce, some Pepper, 1 tsp Sesame oil, 1 tsp Sugar、2 tbsps water.

做法 Steps:

1. 將蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸熱,去掉多餘水分後壓碎;芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。

 Steam the tofu and drain excessive moisture, mash it up. Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu.

2. 再把鯪魚肉、粟粉、蛋和調味料加入豆腐中拌勻。

 Mix the minced fish, cornstarch, egg and seasonings with the Tofu.

3. 為一隻碟掃油,把上述混合材料倒在碟上,並在表面灑上三色雜菜,以大火蒸15分鐘至熟。

 Grease the bottom of the plate, pour the above-mentioned mixture on the plate. Steam it over high heat for 15 minutes until cooked.

4. 把汁料混合好, 燒熱並勾芡,淋上蒸好的「老少平安」,最後灑上芫茜碎裝飾。

 Mix the ingredients of the sauce and bring it to a boil, then pour

 it over the Tofu Fish Cake, garnish with chopped coriander for

 the last touch.

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