
2008-02-22 6:04 am

「YYY的理念"xxxx",與ZZZ所緊守的宗旨"xxx" 不謀而合,透過雙方的合作,將可實踐大家的教學理念,讓更多的學員,在最短的時間內,獲得最高質量的課程及認證。


透過此次的合作方案,XXX可以讓更多的中國人民提升他們的視野及學歷水平,在豐富的工作經驗上,配合由YYY所頒發的證書,使其職業生涯上,得到更理想的發展,實踐YYY "xxxx" 的宗旨。」

回答 (3)

2008-02-23 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The educational philosophy of YYY comes to coincide with the mission firm and unshakable of ZZZ without prior consultation. The two parties can practise well their educational philosophy through partership. This scheme enables more student to participate in higher education and to gain recognition at the shortest period.
YYY has become the priority choice in the heart of those students overseas and from England because of the increase in the number of students enrolled every year.
Through this partnership scheme, YYY will offer more opportunities to those Asian students from different society classes to achieve their academic attainments and to upgrade their abilities and skills in competition as well as to acquire more ideal development.
With rich experience in teaching, XXX will continue to be committed to the mission of YYY , namely "xxx" , offering a wide range of programmes for people from China to broaden their horizons and to upgrade their academic level as well as to acquire a better development in their career while "YYY" will award graduates certificates .

Hope this helps!
2008-02-22 7:43 am
It's really not easy. Please see whether the below works?

We are happy to announce that YYY's vision aligns very probably with the key principle of ZZZ. Jointly, we are looking forward to providing our students high quality training and certifcations under the execution of our concept of education.

The growing number of students in YYY every year proved the global recognition that YYY is a choice of priority in UK, and even internationally. In the Asian countries, YYY is capable to improve the academic level of our students. It makes them all more competitive in the Human Resource market and earning their better careers.

Through the joint venture, XXX will bring a new view and higher levels of education to the Chinese population. Under XXX's well-versed experience and the related certifcations, the trained personnel will have a more satisfactory development in their career. On the other hand, it's also a proven implementation of YYY's principles.

......獻醜啦.....However, why in your draft there are 3 parties - XXX, YYY and ZZZ ??
2008-02-22 7:08 am
都幾難...= ='''
因為中同英既structure 會唔同......所以用翻譯機幾乎無用.


..............= ='''''真係好難.........

可能要改好多........= =''''

好似做緊中文式data file..........= ='""'


orz..........= ='''

都幾難...= ='''
因為中同英既structure 會唔同......所以用翻譯機幾乎無用.


..............= ='''''真係好難.........

可能要改好多........= =''''

好似做緊中文式data file..........= ='""'


orz..........= ='''


The world is being better. It is important for us to improve our courses therefore we hope we can work together.YYYY and ZZZZ have a same thought on education which the theme of YYYY is xxxxx and ZZZZ is xxxxx. With the cooperation of YYYY and ZZZZ ,we could help many more students to have a better course and a document in a short time.

Through the cooperation , YYY could provide more chances for the Asian students to improve their studies as the numbers of students of YYYY are increasing every year whereas that means YYY has become more and more propular in the world .Besides , the students could improve their competitive in the future as they could be easier to make their dreams come true.

XXXX ,however , is the same as the cooperation will be perfectly run.More and more people in china could open their eyes of the world and there will be higher qualification of their studies. Every student who has ever joined YYY could easily find their ways in societies . And then we can acknowledge that xxxxx has been preoved.


2008-02-22 21:13:02 補充:

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