
2008-02-22 3:11 am
?[1]:What is your name?
?[2]:My name is kiko.What is your name?
?[1]:My name is Hason.

Please use English anwer my questions
1.What is ?[1] and ?[2] name ?
2.Please give me the wrong.

回答 (7)

2008-02-22 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
[1]:What is your name?

ANS:[1]is Hason,[2]is Kiko

[2].Please give me the wrong.

ANS:[2]:My name is ''k''iko.We should use big letter behind the footstop
2008-02-22 3:50 am
1.[1]'s name is Kiko.[2]'s name is Hason.

2.The wrong is [1]'s name is Kiko,not kiko.
參考: CHOOSE ME!! $.$
2008-02-22 3:32 am
1. What is [1] his name and [2] her name?

Because Hason is male name and Kiko is female name.

2. The wrong is 'kiko'. So the correct answer is 'Kiko'.

The first letter of a person names or proper nouns must be capital letter.

2008-02-21 19:33:22 補充:
The system has some mistakes...2. The wrong is 'kiko'. So the correct answer is 'Kiko'.

2008-02-21 19:34:31 補充:
The wrong is kiko. So the correct answer is Kiko.

2008-02-21 19:35:54 補充:
The first letter of person names or proper nouns must be capital letter.
2008-02-22 3:19 am
2008-02-22 3:17 am
My name is tammy.
2008-02-22 3:16 am
[1]namr is kiko.[2]name is Hason.

The wrong is Kiko, kiko

2008-02-21 19:17:33 補充:
[1]name is kiko.
參考: me
2008-02-22 3:16 am
?[1] : What is your name?
?[2]: My name is Terry. What is your name?
?[3]: My name is Florence.

Hope I can help u la~

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