(急) *飲食節目*的英文是什麽 ?

2008-02-22 1:17 am
(急) "飲食節目"的英文是什麽 ?

THX* =)

吾係講教你煮嘢食嗰D,, 係介紹食物那些...

回答 (9)

2008-02-22 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cookery Programme is more for teaching people how to cook.
Food and Drink Show is more related to introducing the latest restaurants, food and fancy drinks to the public.
So depending on what you want/mean, choose the most suitable one.

2008-02-22 9:54 am
We classify these types of show either cooking show or cookery show, even they are not ONLY show you how to cook, in US most of the famous chef has their own show, not only teach you how to cook, almost everything about food, china, cooking utensils, dining room decor .....
參考: I am a native English speaker
2008-02-22 1:51 am
Food programmes
2008-02-22 1:31 am
Diet program
參考: Yahoo聰明筆
2008-02-22 1:29 am
Cookery program
參考: 感謝: 現代教育超級名師 Eng Ken sir
2008-02-22 1:27 am
Diet program
參考: Yahoo聰明筆
2008-02-22 1:22 am
Diet program
參考: 翻譯工具
2008-02-22 1:21 am
2008-02-22 1:20 am
Cookery program
參考: my English text book

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