學士, 碩士, 博士程序

2008-02-21 11:39 pm
請問學士, 碩士, 博士次序有無錯? 我工餘讀完 MBA , 取了張 Diploma , 接著是否要再攞埋張 Higher Diploma , 才算是大學程度 , 請大家提供吓讀 Higher Diploma 途徑及學校 , 有無網頁睇到進修這些課程的學校既國際認可情況 ?

回答 (1)

2008-02-22 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
學士 >> 碩士 >> 博士 or
學士(1st honor degree) >> 博士

MBA is a university degree (master degree (碩士), at postgraduate level), so no other qualifications are needed to supplement, you have reached 大學程度

as an MBA graduate, I am surprised that you do not know MBA is a university degree!!

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