
2008-02-21 11:03 pm
三個人係同一間公司o既同事, 約好返工去吹水。

P: 呢個新年我同我個女友睇o左好多戲呀! 你地有無去睇呀?
K: 我地只係睇左”Jumper”, 好精彩!
P: 係咩!? 我覺得普通啦! 無新意! 咁有無睇長江7 號 (CJ7)?
K: 無呀!
T: 我想睇嫁!!!不過好多人都睇左, 無人陪!!!
P: 咁啱啦~!現在一齊去睇啦!
T: 好主意! KAY, 你去唔去呀?
K: 好呀! 我都有D興趣。
K: CALL你女朋友一齊去呀?
P: 好主意!!
T: 不如食D野先, 我好肚餓啦!
T: 去MCDONALD’S 呀~! 好耐無食過!!!
P: 好呀~~我都肚餓
P: KAY你呢!!!!
K: 我要食2個大薯條, 都係MCDONALD’S D 薯條最好食!

回答 (2)

2008-02-21 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
P: My girlfriend and I watched many movies during the past few days. Have you watched any?
K: We just watched "Jumper", it was wonderful.
P: Is it? I just felt so so. Nothing new. Have you watched "CJ7"?
K: No.
T: I wanted to, and lots of my friends watched it, but no one accompany me though.
P: Let's do it now! Do you want to come with us?
K: Good idea, I'm interested too.
K: Why don't you ring your girlfriend as well.
P: That's right!
T: Let's get something to eat first, I'm starving.
T: Let's go to McDonald, I haven't been there for a long time.
P: Sure, let's go for it, we're all hungry.
P: How about you Kay?
K: I want to have two large Fries, Fries in McDonald is the best.
T: Let's go!
參考: me
2008-02-25 12:01 am
P: 呢個新年我同我個女友睇o左好多戲呀! 你地有無去睇呀?
P: I've watched many movies with my girlfriend in this chinese new year! Did you watch any movie?

K: 我地只係睇左”Jumper”, 好精彩!
K: We've watch "Jumper&;quot; only, it's great!

P: 係咩!? 我覺得普通啦! 無新意! 咁有無睇長江7 號 (CJ7)?
P: really?! i don't think it's that great infact. it's a little bit boring. Did you watch CJ7?

K: 無呀!
K: no.

T: 我想睇嫁!!!不過好多人都睇左, 無人陪!!!
T: I want to. but all my friend watched already, noone watch with me.

P: 咁啱啦~!現在一齊去睇啦!
P: good~! let's watch together right now!

T: 好主意! KAY, 你去唔去呀?
T: what a good idea! Kay, do you want to join?

K: 好呀! 我都有D興趣。
K: yes, i'm interested to join.

K: CALL你女朋友一齊去呀?
K: why don't you call your girlfriend to watch together?!

P: 好主意!!
P: good idea!

T: 不如食D野先, 我好肚餓啦!
T: Can we go to eat something first? i'm very hungry now.

T: 去MCDONALD’S 呀~! 好耐無食過!!!
T: let's go to mcdonald's. i've never go there for a long time already!!!

P: 好呀~~我都肚餓
P: good~~~i'm hungry too.

P: KAY你呢!!!!
P: how about you, kay?

K: 我要食2個大薯條, 都係麥當勞 D 薯條最好食!
K: i'd like to have 2 big french fries. mcdonald's french fries is the best!


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