
2008-02-21 8:09 pm
“����波乸“好似係一個Game, 有關賭搏之類,希望有人覆到我!Thz

回答 (2)

2008-02-22 9:38 pm
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在澳門仍有"揼波拿"這種賭博遊戲,"揼波拿"原來是意大利文: Tombola,分別有90個數字印在彩票上。而美國亦有一種類似的遊戲叫: Bingo。本來的Tombola和Bingo都是為了一些籌款集資而舉行,後來方變成一種賭博。

以Bingo為例,賭客先購買Bingo卡,Bingo卡內分為5乘5的方格,方格的最上面印著 B﹑I﹑N﹑G﹑O 的英文字,每個英文字母的下面印著五個數字,隨機排列。B之下為1-15,I之下為16-30, N由31到45,G為46-60,O為61-75,開獎時賭場會不斷搖出數字,直到有人的Bingo卡出現,直﹑橫或對角線的 五個數字完全命中,即為中獎。
2008-02-21 8:30 pm

唔知大家有冇玩過一種叫【dum波乸】Tombola 既遊戲呢~???




A raffle is a board game competition in which people buy numbered tickets, originally from southern Italy. A popular game in numerous countries, it is often held to raise funds for a specific event, charity or occasion.

The raffle involves many people buying tickets for a chance to win a certain prize or certain prizes. At a set date, the winners are drawn from a bucket containing a copy of every number or a tombola (from Italian: tombola). The bought ticket is then checked against a collection of prizes with numbers attached to them.

The Tombola is popularly heralded as the creation of Sussex born Thomas Bowler who worked closely with his brother-in-law, Al Seery, on the invention for his wife's, and Seery's sister's forthcoming birthday party. The success was such that Seery manufactured and sold the TomBowler at his local market stall - without applying for a patent however, his product was quickly copied and bettered and an invention that could have netted a huge sum in future profits was, essentially given to the community as open source.

A raffle also often involves several different possible prizes that can be won, and a ticket will simply be drawn from the group at random for each of the prizes one by one. In this manner, you are not playing the raffle to win a specific prize, but rather for the possibility of winning any one of the possible prizes, as the prizes do not have any specific numbers attached to them. A ticket is drawn for the winner of prize 1, that ticket is then left out of the container. A ticket is then drawn for the winner of prize 2, and that ticket is left out of the container, and so on. this continues until all of the prizes have been won.

Raffles are commonly held at large events such as yearly company picnics, carnivals and fairs, automobile shows, and others.

When holding your own raffle, a common practice for getting more money from the sale of tickets is to offer a large amount of tickets for a discounted price. The people buying the tickets tend to spend more money on tickets thinking that they have a better chance to win the prizes with more raffle tickets. Since the tickets themselves cost very little money to produce, and the expense of the prizes has already been set, the amount of tickets sold really creates no additional cost for the raffle holders.

In the United Kingdom, raffles are occasionally used to circumvent licensing laws. While only licensed premises are permitted to sell alcohol, there is no restriction on the offering of alcohol as prizes in contests. As such, at certain events, attendees are able to enter a raffle, for which they purchase a ticket and then retrieve their prize, which is invariably an alcoholic drink.

In Australia, the Meat Raffle is commonplace in pubs, and registered clubs. Trays of meat or seafood are raffled off to raise money for a cause, usually a local sporting club.

參考: bbs.qoos.com/viewthread.php?tid=1385762

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