點解科大 MBA o甘貴 ge?

2008-02-21 5:29 pm
HKUST MBA 的學費竟然同係外國讀差唔多?!?!

回答 (3)

2008-02-22 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

I guess you must be talking about the one that they pair up with Kellogg School of Management. Oh yes, that will cost u about $640,000...

Well, I guess you probably don't know much about MBA programs. The beauty of MBA ia not perching upon the book knowledge that you may obtain. It is pretty much to do with the coat tails that one may cling to... well, nepotism happens everywhere and it is especially true for corporate sector.

The best MBA programs in the world are mostly under the roof of American Inc. I am afraid. And most of these business schools are Ivy League schools and a couple of big names either in Mid-West and a handful in California.

Guess what, when we talk about big names such as Harvard or U of Chicago, we actually refer to the universities. But the very fact is that, it is their business school who run the MBA programs. For example, the best MBA (finance) is offered by Warton School at the U. of Pennsylvania and the best general MBA (management) is run by the Harvard Business School at the Harvard University. For the best MBA(marketing) program, it definitely goes to the Kellogg School of Management at the NorthWestern University.

Hey, we are talking about the best MBA programs in the world. Did you know who are their students? We are talking about CEOs or top managers from all over the world. If you want to get into these school purely by academic credentials then you got to be really good. How good? Three things, in most cases you may as well have 700++ GMAT scores, GPA 3.8 or above on a scale of 4.0 and top notch academic reference.

Does it mean all theMBA students are that good? Well, academically not so. As I said, they need to build up a network. So they need to strike a balance. Bookworms only count for a fraction of their student bodies. For example the business school at the U of Chicago typically brings in applicants who score below 400 (GMAT) but hey, if you look at their backdrops, you will see why.

Most of these students already have scores of Top MBAs working for them...

Lets get back to the story, since getting into these school is so tough, their tuition rates are naturally high. Basically, good MBA programs are not pure academic programs. They are luxury goods. Will you care about how much does it cost if you are waiting for the delivery of a Ferrari?

You bet, fettered by the geographic location of this program, you cannot expect to have that kind of top notch students one may press flesh with in the host campus...likewise, you don't need to be the top notch student to get in...yet, you could get a MBA from Kellogg School. That is the catch...

Samuel Khou
2008-02-22 4:58 am
科大躍升至全球17名 - 學費自然不菲

2008-02-21 7:35 pm
Don't you know that HKUST MBA is very famous in the worl?
It ranked within 10 in the whole world ranking.
So it is very expensive and difficult to apply.

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