
2008-02-21 5:14 pm
1) the count(伯爵) seemed meant for shade and shadow;. 甚麼是for shade and shadow?
2) Occasionally he would write in his little journal, which, out of force of habit fom childhood - out of force;是被迫還是不是被迫?


To: maskin6 謝謝你對out of force of habit 的解釋, 十分詳細及合理 至於第shade and shadow, 全段如下: Jonathan had made the offer on the house on the count's behalf, although at the time had not understood how anyone could want the property.


Carfax was an ancient and glommy stone structure with an attached old chapel, which had been abandoned for years. Having now met the count, however, and having seen his current home, Jonathan realized that his (The Count) new home would be perfect.


Perhaps it was his ancient Transylvian roots, Jonathan thought, but the count seemed meant for shade and shadow. The above is a pragraph from a book named "Dracula". Thanks!

回答 (2)

2008-02-22 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Occasionally he would write in his little journal, which, out of force of habit from childhood ........ (out of force 是被迫還不是被迫?)
如果一個人做某些東西 out of force of habit, 意思是指他自自然然那麼做, 因為他從以前開始一直到是如此 ---- 所以, 肯定不是被迫的。
句子的意思是:他間中會在他那本小小的日記中落筆, 從孩童時開始他已是如此做的了.....。

第一句如果能提供上文下理, 或可替你解答, 不想胡亂給不正確的答案, 請諒。

2008-02-27 18:59:29 補充:
shade and shadow不是idiom亦非fixed phrase, 因此要從文章的意思猜想其解釋。從提供的段落看, 伯爵選擇的屋子古舊、陰森、更遭廢棄多年, 給人一種可怖的感覺。Shade 和shadow都是太陽照不到的地方, 有時令人感到陰暗、神秘, 句子說這樣的屋子伯爵也喜歡, 可見這個人是如何神秘, 令人不解, 有種可怕的感覺(畢竟, 故事是關於Dracula的)。

2008-02-27 19:01:15 補充:
只是猜測, 不十分肯定的, 希望是對的吧!
2008-02-21 7:10 pm
1. the count 好像意味 for shade and shadow = 著陰暗和陰鬱

2. out of force of habit 出於習慣的力量 out of force 出於某力量

2008-02-21 15:46:17 補充:

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