
2008-02-21 8:54 am

回答 (1)

2008-02-21 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oct.19, 2002, on the Fifth Summit Conference of Chinese Developing Enterprises, Meng Niu Dairy took the 1st place among the Chinese super-fast growing Top Enterprises (of non listed, non state owned) from 1999 to 2002, with its growth rate of 1947.31%.
The company was first sponsored by natural individuals in July, 1999 and is a JV corporation now. Within a short period of 6 years, the sales income of its main business has amounted from the No. 1116 to No. 2 in the list of its kind.
Currently, from the view of market share ratio, Meng Niu TFA milk takes the first place in the world; and both of its liquid milk and ice cream list at the No. 1 in China .

Meng Niu Dairy was awarded “the No. 1 Consumer in the World of TFA Aseptic Packages”, and “the Company of the First Competitive Ability Among Chinese Dairy Industry”. The company was in the list of 20 Important Large-scale Enterprises and named as “ Enterprise with Projects Worth Billions of RMB” and “Key Protected Enterprise”. The local governors granted it awards of “No. 1 Tax Contributor” and “Outstanding Contributor for Fast Growing Economy”.
Mr. Niu Gensheng, the Chairman of BOD and President of Meng Niu Dairy, is assigned as Vice Councilors of both Chinese Dairy Industry Association and Chinese Milk Association. During recent years, he has been selected as one of the “Inner Mongolia Excellent Entrepreneurs for the 8 th Batch”, “National Excellent Village Entrepreneurs for the 4 th Batch”, “Excellent Workers for National Dairy Industry”, one of the “Top 10 Initiative Entrepreneurs”, “Leaders of Chinese Private Industry”, “Chinese Economical Annual Personages”, “the Most Influential Enterprise Leaders, and one of “Chinese Top 10 Annual Environmental Protectors for the First Batch” in 2005.


Quality policy: Call a spade a spade, Extreme carefulness, Deny by one ticket
Quality target: 100% qualified rate
The quality of product is equivalent to moral quality
Without excellence of talent, there is no enterprise constitution and product quality
Shareholder invest for reward, bank ventures for interests, partner cooperates for making money, employee joins for income, people waits for tax.

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