0.1 = Rational Number or Irrational Number ???

2008-02-20 2:08 pm
Do decimals rational or irrational ?

回答 (4)

2008-02-20 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Yes, 0.1 is a rational number because we can express it as a ratio/fraction. Notice that the 1 is in the tenths place and therefore we can say: 1 / 10 = 0.1.

FINAL ANSWER 0.1 = 1 / 10

I hope that helps you out! Please let me know if you have any other questions!
參考: College Calculus Student ; Math Tutor
2008-02-20 2:11 pm
Rational. It is a fraction, 1/10.
2008-02-20 2:17 pm
rational are none # that stop or are repeating #s like .333333...... or .45 .

irrational #s are #s that are non terminating non repeating numbers like .2135461564641001321653102130..............

so therefore .1 is a rational # because its a number that stops. just like the # .45.
參考: my current Alg 2 class
2008-02-20 2:15 pm
maybe, rational

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