if you are over 40, a widower with children, help me with this one.?

2008-02-20 9:37 am
i have been going with this guy on and off in the past 2 1/2 years. though he said he couldnt give me what i might want (a marriage), he still keeps seeing me as if he's my boy friend (appearing to some of the people we both know) though we never go out alone without our kids. we do sleep together and enjoy it everytime. i feel that he really likes me but just don't want to commit which i understand as he's scared of another marriage. i will be moving away from the country and wonder if i should just forget him and get on with my life. women are silly sometimes i know...

p.s. i never ask for a marriage. about the leaving country, it's not because of him but for my son to study somewhere. as i see that there is no commitment from him in any respect, not even taking me out for a movie, i figure i will just leave and say good bye. perhaps after i leave, he would seriously think if he should make any effort to keep our relationship/friendship.

回答 (7)

2008-02-20 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
do you think maybe he's got too comfortable,(you know like an old married couple) he probably dosen't realize what is going on. i take it he is not moving with you, if so then look at it as a new adventure and keep busy until you meet someone that truly makes you happy
2008-02-20 8:33 pm
Look - do you like the guy? If you do, what does it matter whether you marry or not? You have the best of both worlds - a man to keep you company when you need it, but still retaining your independence. It sounds like the perfect situation to me. If you intend to move away that is your decision, and that will break up the relationship. Don't use that tactic to try to force him to marry you - you have no right to do that to another human being.
2008-02-20 6:12 pm
Get on with your life because while your waiting 4 him you could be missing out on the real mister right,so just have your Lil fun with him 4 now,if your enjoying the sex.but remember sex is not everything
2008-02-20 6:04 pm
Ask him to come with him and see what he says, then you will know what to do
2008-02-20 5:52 pm
you will be better off with out him you answer the ? on your own you just need to be ok with moving on bc you are scared to do so. hun you will be ok the rite man is out thier and he will find you. you will be ok and the kids understand . but you want them to be happy.they are. you doing the rite thing fallow through with your palns and move on .
2008-02-20 5:41 pm
Forget him when he is not intereted in marrying u.
2008-02-20 5:41 pm
kidnap him and take him with you.

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