
2008-02-21 7:21 am




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2008-02-21 3:17 pm
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The Indian in North America are serious about their costume ornaments as it represents beauty and courage, with which they hope to get blessing and protection from god. Usually, their ornaments are natural, including animals' teeth, bones, furs and some slightly finished plants.
In North-west America, the Indian use the paws of the fierce animal, grey bears, as costume ornaments. They have a belief that it is a symbol of power and courage, like grey bears. Some Indian love to wear ornaments including, animal's tooth, bone, or wooden stick, at their piercing lips and ears. This is the way to symbolize courage and patience.
The Indian in North America take concern on the hair style ornaments. Their hair styles are made in symbolizing according to their tribe shaped area where they belong. For instance, the Omaha tribe, belonging to bird shaped area, will comb a little braid in front of their fore-head to represent a bird's beak, and that a horse tail hair style at the back represents a bird's tail. There are also little braids to be made at each side of the ears, representing a bird's wings.
During the dancing ceremony, the North America Indian love to wear ornaments. Each tribe has its own characteristic ornaments and facial masks, with different colours painted on the body and face. The cosmetic make-up usually imitate the animal shape of the tribe shaped area. The similarity in costume ornamental and the way of dancing strengthens their recognition with each other.
參考: I hope my answer is helpful and acceptable to you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:15:17
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