
2008-02-21 7:13 am
我係中三既 讀chem 新學 乜都唔識
老師又冇教 只係叫我地死背 我覺得有得計架D數-.-唔同條條都背咩
全部都背 我就真係唔信

copper oxide + carbon> copper + carbon dioxide
2CuO+C > 2Cu + CO2
Sodium + oxygen > sodium oxide
4Na + O2 > 2 Na2O
Iron(III)oxide + carbon > iron + carbon dioxide
2Fe2O3+3C > 4Fe+3CO2

我唔明點解個度sodium + oxygen 係chemical writing 個度就變左4Na


回答 (3)

2008-02-21 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
first you should know how to write chemical symbol. eg, Na for sodium , O2 for oxygen..

you should recite these.

for balancing equation, you don't need to recite. your teacher 's saying is not right.

sodium reacts with oxygen to form sodium oxide

for a chemical equation, we should balance it.

if you just write, Na + O2 -----> Na2O

it is wrong.

we should balance it

in the left hand side, two oxygen atoms are present.

but in the right hand side, only one oxygen atom is present, so add 2 in the right hand


and in the right hand side, 4 sodium atoms are present. so we should add 4 in the

left hand side so that the equation is balanced.

4Na + O2 -------> 2Na2O
2008-02-22 1:26 am
Chemical equation 同數學既eqaution 係一樣,兩邊個數量係要balance.
以sodium + oxygen為例,sodium (Na) 的份子結構係Na,而oxygen 的份子結構係O2。Na的離子係single valent,一個正電荷,即係Na+,而O的離子係divalent ,兩個負電荷,即係O2-,所以sodium oxide 的份子結構係 Na2O。
Na + O2 -> Na2O
4Na + O2 -> 2 Na2O
2008-02-21 7:20 am
2XNA2 2XO=4NA+O2

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