
2008-02-21 2:14 am

回答 (5)

2008-02-21 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
When I was a child, I went to see a circus with friends and teachers from the kindergarten.
Before we went, the teacher gave us each a banana and an apple.
When we were there, the mischievous monkeys of the circus snatched the children of their apples and bananas.
The children were scared and started to cry.

2008-02-21 09:54:08 補充:
不是聰明筆或電腦網譯講童年的事要用past tense. 使用文字轉換工具, 也應該有second look 的習慣.
2008-02-21 2:25 am
When me young, I once went to the circus troupe with preschool's
schoolmates and teacher to watch the circus together Before
departure, teacher has sent two bananas and an apple for us when we go
to the destination, there monkey is very mischievous, because they all
snatched schoolmate's banana also frighten the schoolmate have cried.
2008-02-21 2:24 am
When me young, I once went to the circus troupe with preschool's
schoolmates and teacher to watch the circus together Before
departure, teacher has sent two bananas and an apple for us when we go
to the destination, there monkey is very mischievous, because they all
snatched schoolmate's banana also frighten the schoolmate have cried
2008-02-21 2:24 am
When me young, I once went to the circus troupe with preschool's
schoolmates and teacher to watch the circus together Before
departure, teacher has sent two bananas and an apple for us when we go
to the destination, there monkey is very mischievous, because they all
snatched schoolmate's banana also frighten the schoolmate have cried
參考: 聰明筆 and I
2008-02-21 2:20 am
When me young, I once went to the circus troupe with preschool's
schoolmates and teacher to watch the circus together Before
departure, teacher has sent two bananas and an apple for us when we go
to the destination, there monkey is very mischievous, because they all
snatched schoolmate's banana also frighten the schoolmate have cried
參考: 聰明筆

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