
2008-02-21 2:04 am

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2008-02-21 3:43 am
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微軟發佈官方提升關機速度程式 - User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service
A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems.

當您從運行 Microsoft Windows Server 2003、Windows XP、Windows 2000 或 Windows NT 4.0 的電腦登出時,可能會遇到以下症狀:• 用戶配置文件無法卸載。 • 漫遊配置文件無法協調。 • 達到註冊表大小限制 (RSL)。 • 花費了很長時間進行登出,但
如果在您從電腦登出時 Microsoft Windows 或第三方程式(如印表機驅動程式或病毒掃瞄程式)不停止運行並釋放資源,則可能發生此問題。
要解決此問題,請使用 Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (UPHClean)。UPHClean 在 Windows 卸載用戶配置文件時監控電腦並強制關閉打開的資源。因此,電腦可以卸載和協調用戶配置文件。

Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (UPHClean): (284 KB)


On Windows 2000 the service deals with application event log event 1000 from source Userenv where the message indicates that the profile is not unloading and the error is "Access is denied". On Windows XP and Windows 2003 the equivalent events are 1517 and 1524 from source Userenv.

To accomplish this the service monitors for logged off users that still have hives loaded. When that happens the service determines which applications have handles opened to the hives and releases them. It logs the application name and what registry keys where left open. After this the system finishes unloading the profile.

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

Windows Installer: To use the MSI installation package you must have Windows Installer version 2.0 installed. Otherwise you can follow the manual installation instructions from the readme provided below. Windows Installer 2.0 is included with Windows 2000 SP3 and later, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. You can install Windows Installer 2.0 using this link Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows NT & 2000.

NOTE: The service has not been localized but is expected to run properly on localized version of Windows. The event log messages will be shown in English.

More Information:

2008-02-20 19:45:09 補充:
Or關機的同時按住“Ctrl ”鍵,然後選擇“關機”或“重新啟動”功能表項,你會發現Windows Vista的關機速度大大提高的。

2008-02-20 19:47:08 補充:
Or 修改註冊表加快WinVista的關機速度1.“開始”菜單--“運行”,鍵入“regedit”。2.打開註冊表的這個檔夾“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control”,找到“WaitToKillServiceTimeout”子鍵,雙擊修改鍵值,原值為20000,推薦值"100"。3.修改註冊表前請備份。

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