
2008-02-21 1:44 am



回答 (2)

2008-02-21 2:03 am
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During the Chinese New Years, nearly 1500 flights have departed from Hong Kong. Greensense, an environmental organisation, conducted a survey and found that 150,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide had been emitted as a result. Scientific evidence also shows that emission by planes in the atmosphere plays a part in accelerating the global warming.

Planting trees is a way to balance off the carbon dioxide emitted by the planes. But for the emission made by the flights during the New Year, it takes 600,000 trees to do the job.

TAM thinks planting trees on the Mainland will be more effective than doing the same in Hong Kong.

In 2006, exhaust gas in the atmosphere saw huge increase from 1999.

2008-02-21 1:47 am
The New Year's Day is about 1,005 classes of aerobus departures, the calculation of the environmental protection touch behind find, the service exhausts to pay 150,000 tons carbon dioxide and there is science reports pointing out, due to airplane creation of the waste gas in the sky wills be double increment green house effect."

Plant trees to wait for a form to offset the carbon dioxide that the flight produces.Want 600000 since the tree fairy can offset the waste gas of New Year holidays..

TAM thinks that the mainland plants tree than there is larger space in Hong Kong

2006 space waste gas compare 1999 significant risings..

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 00:31:42
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