香港 普選了會怎樣

2008-02-21 1:16 am

回答 (2)

2008-02-21 8:38 pm
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但看了樓主給人揄辱,忍不住就發表以下意見:1. 如果普選就像小學生選班長,不選也吧!2.如果普選選了另一個「長毛」出來當特首,香港還不散嗎?

2008-02-21 17:28:02 補充:
2008-02-22 11:27 am
1.) I think the excutive branch (I mean its institutions) may not be ready for universial franchise in 2012 yet (so 2017 is reasonable). However, the Legislative Council is definitely ready for universial franchise in 2012 !!!

2.) When we refer to Taiwan, we generally see the bad side of democracy. Indeed, there is a less glamorous side to democracy, and in fact, not peculiar to Taiwan (e.g. in 1855, a US Congressman beat up a Senator in the Senate with a cane and that Senator took 3 years to recover).

However, there is a less glamorous side for everything. China, for example, look at its wealth gap between the rich and the poor, look at its exploited factory workers, look at the living conditions of the people in the west and northwest. And let's not forget what happened in 1989, and the people who are still imprisoned, not for their deeds, but for their political or religious view !!!

For the economic argument, firstly, there are certain important things other than the economy: liberties, equalities..... Also, you compared Taiwan with China and concluded that democracy impede economic development. Try comparing North Korea and the USA, you may come up with some other conclusion !!!!

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