
2008-02-20 10:56 pm


回答 (3)

2008-02-20 11:02 pm
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Politics is not that "friendly" as you see, Poland joined the NATO after the cold war, the US wants more presence in Eastern Europe as you see.

That's why i love Putin, he's the one with guts and leadership who stands up against Western Aggression, although Putin is my enemy (i'm american), but at least he's an enemy who deserves respect, unlike my country's allies (poland, georgia) who lick the west's ass like a DOG

2008-02-20 15:09:41 補充:
分裂人地國家是美國人的拿手好戲..... look at 科索夫, i think UK will be the US' next target as Scottish independence might seem inevitable
2008-02-23 1:22 am
no,of course not,otherwise third world war
參考: 1000%me
2008-02-21 2:26 pm
There are many different school of thoughts concerning international relations. Liberalists tend to agree with the notion that more democracy means less aggression.

However, I believe in the realist theory that democracy has got absolutely nothing to do with aggression; only interests affect a country's foreign policy. This can explain America's action.

I think it is possible for the US to fight Russia , but it will never be on each other's soil (maybe on some other country like what happened in Vietnam). Moreover, I don't think a WWIII will ever happen because of the notion of nuclear weapons and MAD (mutually assured destruction). (This is a realist argument.)

Also, it is worth noting that, Russia is not as democratic as you think. In the 2007 election, Putin won over 99.9% of the votes in some remote area, this has 2 implications: either the figures are fake, or the other political parties/ candidates are so oppressed by the government that they can't even gain 1% of the vote.
(Like China, believe it or not, elections actually do happen at village levels, and guess what, none of the communist candidate has ever lost!!)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:11:20
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