Can anyone please cheer me up as im so angry with everything at the moment?

2008-02-19 2:08 pm
Last weekend my phone broke and I lost all my phone numbers
My uncle who is very irriating (freeloader) stayed with us this week and went to RSA on Sunday and got a lift when a train would have been quicker but didnt want to pay money. He wore two of my tops one my mum gave him which really made me fume and when I complain she goes "I know but he is my brother" and when my response is what are you doing here I get stick for it - plus he is going to probably visit an ex gfs fam of mine when I told him NOT TO !
My dad did washing this morning and one of the tops my uncle wore was in the was and he has ripped the label (Armani) and the colour has run so thats made me angry
Uni is s*** - a partner in a module is always "ill" and does work last minute, my mums turned into a depression zone always moaning about life and work and always tells everyone to f-off when I try to help. My dad has become more of a control freak and always ordering ppl including me and gives agro when I shout back

can someone make me laugh to cheer me up please would make my day =) im not depressed lol just fed up and annoyed with anything and everything at the moment


Anna C - I loved the penguins lol thanks

回答 (16)

2008-02-19 2:13 pm
2016-10-03 10:04 pm
I consider you one hundred%. I did a bite like this approximately Macho guy, yet I noted as him the anti-Hogan. i think of that anti-hero is greater effective via fact it supplies it a presence in each age. I had to envision the finished piece. Orton is suited for the functionality. He has no loyalty. he's neither Hero nor Villain. I submit to in ideas Hogan starting to be a member of forces with Macho guy starting to be the Mega Powers. Hogan could no longer beat Macho guy via fact Macho guy became into continuously prepared to pass that greater suitable distance. I advise he gained yet Macho guy have been given the greater effective of the two and finally end up ruling as champion for over a 300 and sixty 5 days. while superb Warrior finally ended his reign. Hogan wasn't prepared to apply the bell to win a adventure. Or the belt. Macho guy became into prepared to pass that distance if it became into necessary. Orton does ring a bell in me of Him in that regards. i like Cena. especially via fact he introduced wrestling out of the Rock era. the place it became into greater exciting to be sure the Champion combat to finally win the identify, extremely than reign as champion. yet Macho guy is my renowned Wrestlers of all time. good now Orton is my 2d and that i could no longer comprehend why. And now i know. Kudos to apply. I agree along with your factor entire heartily.
2008-02-19 11:31 pm
Sounds like you need a break from everything!! Can you go to a friend's place for a few days just to cool off??
Having annoying relatives stay is the worst thing thing to do is stay away and hide all of your clothes!
2008-02-19 6:47 pm
Bloody hell, i thought i was deppressed, good luck mate and stay away from ropes hanging from trees, the temptation might be too much
2008-02-19 3:43 pm
Do a **** and draw it
2008-02-19 3:35 pm
dont be angry ,smile and the world smile with u
2008-02-19 2:27 pm
Man walks into a Free House. Orders a pint of best and a double scotch. Knocks the pint back, then pours the whisky in his top pocket. Repeats the exercise, eight times over. The barman becomes puzzled and inquisitive. "What's going on mate. What's your game?" The man's a bit 'sozzled!' "Don't care much for the 'tone'" (no pun intended) "of your voice pal. Want a scrap; come outside." Little 'Topo Gigio'/'Speedy Gonzales' type of a mouse, sticks out his head from inside the drinker's top pocket: "Bring your f------g" (please excuse my 'French') "cat and all!!"
2008-02-19 2:25 pm
Quick question.. What is your age?

Anyway.. Here are some stories that always makes me giggle, most of them include my little sister::

When she was really little, about 6 maybe, she fell into the pond in the back garden and we were still finding weeds down her ears a week later!

The other week, she and I were going into town -
Me: What's the bloody time? The train's taking ages!
Sis: What's the time? Time to mind your bloody f*cking language!

In town on Saturday, sitting at a bar with swingy seats, she grabs the bottom of my stool with her legs and swings me round really fast. I grab the bar and stay facing the front, with the stool spinning away beneath me!

You know the Molineaux (Wolves ground)? She used to pronounce it Molinecks!

Anyway, just four little stories in a bid to at least make you smile.. :-)
2008-02-19 2:20 pm
shouting is never a good way. if others cant control it, you can. am sure you are feeling a lot better now after telling it out. perhaps it's the low tide of your life u think at the moment, but when it gets so so low, it eventually will rise up.
keep the faith - you can't change others but yourself. use different attitudes and see if it makes things different. i believe it would. cheer up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-02-19 2:18 pm
I know exactly how you feel. I dont know how to make u smile but i will share a story with u. This is a true story:

My friend's aunt is just like ur uncle. She freeloads off of her own sister. Her(aunt) sister borrow some cash so she can buy a house so that she, her family, and the greedy aunt can live in. My friend's mom is paying her back but the aunt is making her pay interest which is 80 bucks a month, make her cook her breakfast and dinner, and live in the house rent free. Not only does she take advantage of her own sister but the government too, she takes welfare and unemployment benefits. She does have a job, she's a Doctor overseas in england. She has a lotttt of money but she wont use any of it and sucks in money from people around her. She is a hell of a free loader. I cant stand people like that!!
2008-02-19 2:15 pm
hun we all have these weeks trust me!! Its just a matter of appreciating the positive things in life - like the fact you're cute as a button (Aww!!) and you have your health!!
Chin up babes- you'll be fine!
2008-02-19 2:14 pm
Wise man say - Go to bed with itchy bum, wake up with smelly finger.

Irrelevant i know, but i bet you laughed!
2008-02-19 2:14 pm
Wow! Bummer... Well, here goes....
What do near sighted gynos and dogs have in common???

Wet noses
2008-02-19 2:13 pm
hello oh depressed music fan..
want cheering up need a laugh..
check out my free jokes website..
free jokes. joke of the day, blonde jokes, adult jokes. magic tricks..

hope you enjoy
2008-02-19 2:13 pm
Sounds like you are having a really bad week. When I am upset and angry, I shut myself in my room and scream into my pillow. Great release!
2008-02-19 2:12 pm
I was gonna, till I read all that, I'm quite depressed now.

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