My uncle who is very irriating (freeloader) stayed with us this week and went to RSA on Sunday and got a lift when a train would have been quicker but didnt want to pay money. He wore two of my tops one my mum gave him which really made me fume and when I complain she goes "I know but he is my brother" and when my response is what are you doing here I get stick for it - plus he is going to probably visit an ex gfs fam of mine when I told him NOT TO !
My dad did washing this morning and one of the tops my uncle wore was in the was and he has ripped the label (Armani) and the colour has run so thats made me angry
Uni is s*** - a partner in a module is always "ill" and does work last minute, my mums turned into a depression zone always moaning about life and work and always tells everyone to f-off when I try to help. My dad has become more of a control freak and always ordering ppl including me and gives agro when I shout back
can someone make me laugh to cheer me up please would make my day =) im not depressed lol just fed up and annoyed with anything and everything at the moment
Anna C - I loved the penguins lol thanks