
2008-02-20 6:48 am
我考試遲左去 老師要我解釋 比開頭 結尾我就得架啦
因為不知從何說起 如何結尾 感謝!

回答 (4)

2008-02-20 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
開始 : I am writing to apologize for being late in attending the examination on 18/02/2008 at 9:00a.m. One of the reasons was that I ...........,,, Another reason was ........!

結尾 : In the end, I wish to have your forgiveness on my late attendance during this examination and I will not committe the same mistake again in future.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Yours sincerely

2008-02-20 7:20 am
I am writing to apologize for being late to the examination on (date) at (time).the reasons are as follows: first and foremost, .........
second of all, .......
in the third place, .........
Ultimately, I want to express my apology from the deepest of my heart and hope that your homour can forgive me.
Yours Sincerely,

2008-02-19 23:26:45 補充:
closing modification:Ultimately, I want to express my apology once again from the deepest of my heart and hope that your honour can kindly forgive me in this matter.Yours Sincerely, (name)
2008-02-20 7:09 am
I write to apologise for my attending the examination belatedly.
*It is due to ...
*It is due to unforseen circumstances ...

+Please pardon me for my misconduct.
+I once again ask for your forgiveness.

Yours Sincerely,
2008-02-20 7:04 am
Dear XXXX:
I would like to apologize for the delay in arrival during the Exam..........
.............sorry about that
參考: Me

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