
2008-02-20 6:23 am
請問如果沒有地址證明可否開銀行戶口,因為本人親戚沒有地址證明,想新開銀行戶口唔知得唔得,他從來沒有銀行戶口.請幫一幫忙! THANKS

回答 (3)

2008-02-20 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢可以去銀行開銀行戶口時 同個職員講 冇地址證明 咁你個親戚可以要求銀行職員先登記 然後銀行寄封信比佢 收到啦 就攞住果封信去開戶口囉 ps: hong kong bank 就唔會幫你咁做,其他bank都okay ga
參考: 我朋友個新移民老婆試過
2008-02-21 4:21 am
Must be no. This is the guideline given by Hong Kong Monetary Authority to all banks on the Money Laundry issue. All banks must obtained a proof of the residential address of the account holder even the holder is a Hong Kong resident. This has to be strictly followed and compiled with.
2008-02-20 6:28 am

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