有冇人識答我呢條英文問題,,條問題係關於Endanered Animals 嫁!

2008-02-20 5:04 am
下面10個係就絕種ge動物!而我想問佢地Country /Region係邊?同Reason for Endangerment(姐係點解就絕種)0英文答,,吾該
3.Blue poison frog
5.Snow Leopards
6.Polar bear
8.ElephantAfrica and Asia
9.TigersSouth China
10.Pink Pigeon

回答 (2)

2008-02-20 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ecological facts about animals and reasons why they are endangered are never simple. Here are just some rough ideas.

1. Gorillas live in Central Africa. One of the reasons that drives them towards near extinction is poaching by local people for bush meat.

2. Rhinos originate from South Asia and Africa. Their population shrinks partly because of poaching for their horn, which is believed to have medical value in some cultures.

3. The blue poison frogs live in Central and South America. Their inhabitat, that is the Amazon Rain Forest, is threatened by deforrestation.

4. There are different species of panthers living on nearly all continents. As a predator, it is threatened by the reducing source of prey due to development of human settlment.

5. Snow Leopards live in Central Asia. As a predator, it is threatened by the reducing source of prey due to development of human settlment.

6. Polar bear is native to the Artic. Global warming resulting in reduction of ice cap contributes to reduction in its population.

7. Pika live in North America and Europe.

8. Elephants live in Afria and Asia. They are threatened by deforrestation and poaching for their tusks.

9. South China Tigers is native to South China and South East Asia. As a predator, its survival is threatened by the reducing source of prey due to development of human settlmen.

10. Pink Pigeon are found in Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Its survival is threatened by the replacement of native plants they feed on with crops introduced by people.

2008-02-22 7:17 pm
Polar bears are threatened by change of climate in the artic.

Panther is native to the Americas.

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