
2008-02-20 4:15 am
今年亞洲、歐洲和北美都受到寒流和暴風雪襲擊,中國10多個省市近日更罕有持續出現低溫冷凍和雪災,造成罕見大混亂。有中國專家指出,這與強烈拉尼娜(La Nina)現象有關。
中國國家氣候中心副主任李維京指出,今個冬天亞洲和北美等地都受到了寒流和暴風雪的襲擊,美國 中西部和東北部相繼出現暴雪嚴寒天氣,西亞、中亞及南亞國家陸續遭受寒流襲擊,伊拉克 首都巴格達 更出現了100年來未見過的降雪;阿富汗 一些地區積雪竟然達到200厘米。拉尼娜現象 是指赤道太平洋東部和中部海水大範圍持續異常偏冷,與厄爾尼諾(El Nino)現象相反,會導致冷冬和暖夏。世界氣象組織 去年的報告指出,拉尼娜現象已形成並將持續至今年夏季之前。


回答 (3)

2008-02-20 4:18 am
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This year Asia, Europe's and North America all receive the cold current and the snowstorm attacks, Chinese more than 10 provinces and cities recently rarely continued to appear the low temperature freezing and the snow disaster, created rarely is greatly chaotic. Some Chinese experts pointed out that, this with intensely pulls Nina (La Nina) the phenomenon to concern. Chinese country climate center Assistant Director Li Weiching pointed out that, now places such as winter Asia and North America have all received the cold current and the snowstorm attack, the American mid-west and northeastern part appear the storm snow severely cold weather one after another, west Asia, the central Asia and the South Asia country suffer the cold current attack one after another, Iraq capital Baghdad appeared for 100 years has not seen snowing; The Afghan some area snows unexpectedly amount to 200 centimeters. Pulls the Nina phenomenon is refers to east equator Pacific Ocean and middle sea water wide range continues exceptionally coldly, (El Nino) the phenomenon is opposite with El Nino, can lead the refrigeration winter mild summer. The World Meteorological Organization last year report pointed out that, pulls the Nina phenomenon to form and to continue to this year summer before. Li Weiching pointed out that, this year pulls the Nina phenomenon to belong to the medium above intensity, this is causes the Northern Hemisphere extreme cold weather the reason. The statistical analysis pointed out that, strong when pulls the Nina phenomenon to appear, the cold air activity can more frequent, is easy to create north part of China and eastern part the majority of local temperature is somewhat low.

2008-02-19 22:36:16 補充:
第一個- -v
參考: ^^
2008-02-20 4:27 am
This year in Asia, Europe and North America have been cold and snowstorms attacks, China has more than 10 provinces and cities continued more rare snowstorm and freezing, causing chaos rare. Some Chinese experts pointed out that with the strong La Nina (La Nina) phenomenon.
China National Climate Center deputy director Li Jing pointed out that this winter in Asia and North America, have been the cold weather and snowstorms attacks, the United States Midwest and the Northeast has emerged Blizzard cold weather, West Asia, Central Asia and South Asian countries have suffered cold attack, the Iraqi capital of Baghdad even 100 years ago not seen snow; snow in some areas of Afghanistan has reached 200 cm. La Nina phenomenon is that the eastern and central equatorial Pacific seawater large-scale sustained abnormal cold, and the El Niño (El Nino) in the contrary, will lead to Lingdong warm summer. The World Meteorological Organization last year's report pointed out that the La Nina phenomenon has been formed and will continue to until this summer.

Li Jing pointed out that La Nina phenomenon this year, more than a moderate intensity, this is leading to extreme cold weather in the northern hemisphere reasons. Statistical analysis pointed out that the strong La Nina phenomenon occurs, the cold air activities will be more frequent, making it easy for northern China and low temperatures in most parts of the east.
參考: me
2008-02-20 4:18 am
This year Asia, Europe and North America all receive the cold current
and the snowstorm attacks, Chinese more than 10 provinces and cities
recently rarely continued to appear the low temperature freezing and
the snow disaster, created rarely is greatly chaotic. Some Chinese
experts pointed out that, this with intensely pulls Nina (La Nina) the
phenomenon to concern. Chinese country climate center Assistant
Director Li Weiching pointed out that, now places such as winter Asia
and North America have all received the cold current and the snowstorm
attack, the American mid-west and northeastern part appear the storm
snow severely cold weather one after another, west Asia, the central
Asia and the South Asia country suffer the cold current attack one
after another, Iraq capital Baghdad appeared for 100 years has not
seen snowing; The Afghan some area snows unexpectedly amount to 200
centimeters. Pulls the Nina phenomenon is refers to east equator
Pacific Ocean and middle sea water wide range continues exceptionally
coldly, (El Nino) the phenomenon is opposite with El Nino, can lead
the refrigeration winter mild summer. The World Meteorological
Organization last year report pointed out that, pulls the Nina
phenomenon to form and to continue to this year summer before.

Li Weiching pointed out that, this year pulls the Nina phenomenon to
belong to the medium above intensity, this is causes the Northern
Hemisphere extreme cold weather the reason. The statistical analysis
pointed out that, strong when pulls the Nina phenomenon to appear, the
cold air activity can more frequent, is easy to create north part of
China and eastern part the majority of local temperature is somewhat
參考: Yahoo! 聰明筆

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