請各位幫幫手找答案~~元宵燈謎1. 二小姐(猜一字) 2. 劉邦聞之則喜,劉備聞之則悲 (猜一字)

2008-02-20 1:45 am
1. On Thanksgiving Day, which country is almost scared to death? (提示:T_ _ _ _ y)
2. What is that you cannot see, but is always before you? (提示:F_ _ _ _ _e)
3. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I? (提示:T_ _ p_ _)
4. What odd number becomes even when beheaded? (提示:S_ _ _ _)
5. What travels around the world but stays in one corner? (提示:S_ _ _ p)
3. 有面無口,有腳無手;聽人講話,陪人喝洒 (猜一日常家具)
4. 搖搖板(猜一成語)
5. 認祖歸宗(猜一民族)

回答 (2)

2008-02-21 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 二小姐(猜一字) - 姿
2. 劉邦聞之則喜,劉備聞之則悲 (猜一字) - 翠
3. 有面無口,有腳無手;聽人講話,陪人喝洒 (猜一日常家具) - 桌子
4. 搖搖板(猜一成語) - 此起彼落
5. 認祖歸宗(猜一民族) - 回族

1. On Thanksgiving Day, which country is almost scared to death? (提示:Turkey)
2. What is that you cannot see, but is always before you? (提示:Future)
3. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I? (提示:Teapot)
4. What odd number becomes even when beheaded? (提示:Seven)
5. What travels around the world but stays in one corner? (提示:Stamp)
2008-02-23 2:56 am
3. 有面無口,有腳無手;聽人講話,陪人喝洒 (猜一日常家具) - 桌子
4. 搖搖板(猜一成語) - 此起彼落
5. 認祖歸宗(猜一民族) - 回族

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