除了dvd recorder, 有冇D device 可以用av 輸入去錄野 ga?

2008-02-20 12:40 am
唔知有冇D 甘gei device 呢?
DV cam 又唔知得唔得呢?

回答 (1)

2008-02-20 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depend on what you like to 錄野 la... yes.. you can use DV cam to record... but also... being I don't think you will buy the DV cam player for play the video... therefore, you will use the DV cam for player function as well... and DV cam only can record 60~90 min.. and NOT all DV cam can use the AV in record function.
Or you can use the computer to record... just buy the capture card and install it... and you can use it for record la..


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