autoCAD高手求教: 2008ver

2008-02-19 8:30 pm
對方使用2006ver.的 layer manager來劃分不同layer
express layer manager的function不見了
如果要印不同的layer, 轉換後前一個layer的資料仍留下....有辦法可以消除掉嗎? (不是del layer.....我只是要編印不同layer內的資料)


回答 (1)

2008-02-22 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Download "Autodesk Customization Conversion Tools" from Autodesk url as below :

scriptpro.exe (exe - 2950Kb)
for AutoCAD 2007 and later versions.
CCTSETUP.exe (exe - 7656Kb)
for AutoCAD 2004 through AutoCAD 2006. Includes ScriptPro.

Layer State Converter allows you to convert between the layer states created by LMAN (one of the AutoCAD?Express Tools) and the saved layer states introduced in AutoCAD?2000i software. To use Layer State Converter, you must load the AcLSConvert.arx file in the program. Once you have loaded AcLSConvert.arx, type one of the following commands on the AutoCAD command line:

after download & install -> open autocad
-> Command: APPLOAD -> select "AcLSConvert.arx" and load it (This line may be no need.... just type CONVERTLMAN in AutoCad command line)

-> Command : CONVERTLMAN -> Command : LAYER or LA (shortcut) -> click the box "State Manager" -> LMAN layer states has converted to AutoCAD layer states.

CONVERTLS - Converts AutoCAD layer states to LMAN layer states.
CONVERTLMAN - Converts LMAN layer states to AutoCAD layer states.

Below is the command line :

Command: convertlman
Converting LMAN layer states to AutoCAD layer states.
Delete LMAN layer states after conversion? [Yes/No/Prompt] :
Overwrite existing AutoCAD layer states? [Yes/No/Prompt] :
Converted layer state: ACET-LAYISO.
Delete LMAN layer state ACET-LAYISO? [Yes/No/All/NOne] : y
Converted layer state: LAYOUT PLAN.
Delete LMAN layer state LAYOUT PLAN? [Yes/No/All/NOne] : n
Converted layer state: REFLECTED CEILING PLAN.
Delete LMAN layer state REFLECTED CEILING PLAN? [Yes/No/All/NOne] : n
Converted layer state: SETTING OUT PLAN.
Delete LMAN layer state SETTING OUT PLAN? [Yes/No/All/NOne] : n
commnd: layer (click the box "State Manager")

2008-02-21 20:16:19 補充:
I am using AutoCad 2004 version,command "layer"介面跟2008有點不同,你要自己嘗試一下便行

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