
2008-02-19 11:41 am

1) 係咪好似我成五年咁耐無入美國境,如果揸綠卡入境,實衰!意思係﹕一定會俾移民局官員留難,逼我入房問長問短。二﹕實俾佢沒收綠卡,不過,還是會容許我入境一段時間,不會立即拒絕我人境,要我坐回頭飛機離開﹖

2) 我02年離開美國時,好似記得離境時無需要出示passport or 綠卡,那麼美國移民局人員,會知道我在什麼時候離開美國呢﹖還有,我想知道入境時,移民局官員一刷小弟張綠咭,怹電腦就會有顯示我是何時離開美國境﹖要是怹們的電腦沒顯示我離境時間,我就可以同個官講下大話,講離境不久。

3) 我諗過系香港美國領事館搞放棄綠卡,後再申請旅遊簽證。好似我咁的情況,領事館人員會否就我曾放棄綠卡,而不批准我的旅遊簽證,或者只批一個有效入境逗留較短年假的簽證呢﹖我想知道搞放棄綠卡的手續和費用,請問有無人試過呢﹖


回答 (4)

2008-02-20 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我只會答你第三條, 因為你無意留美長住, 又可必去試呢.

如果你比番張green card佢地, 你要話佢知你都想探親不望長住, 佢地會用5至10年的travelling visa同你換的. free of charge, bring 你的green card 就行...... 我妹夫的亞爸就是.

第一條, 不會坐回頭飛機離開的. 我爸媽過了十年的green card, 也是這樣來美吧.
2015-10-05 9:59 am
請問如果我要放棄張錄卡, 除了交還張過期綠卡之外, SOCIAL SECURITY / DRIVER LICENSE / IDENTIFICATION CARD 是否需要一齊交還去美國領士館? 交還時是否會被問及離美後在香港10年的情況?
2008-02-28 5:18 am
2008-02-19 1:56 pm
dear sir,
5 years not back to US. your green card is as cold as ice water la, the customs havs no right to take away your green card without your willingness, but they will BS a lot to make you surrend the grren card. if they do so, you can tell them you request a hearing, then they have to let you through and give you a summon for hearing.

the 2 nd option is: are you sure don't want the green card anymore? then you can surrend your greencard to US embassy and ask to apply the travel visa to visit your relatives in US. they will not give you hard time because you already show them you have no intention to stay in US. the travel visa used good for 3 - 6 months stay.

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