求英文短文 感謝好心人

2008-02-19 8:01 am
====In about 300 words,write a review about a movie you like.====

回答 (1)

2008-02-19 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With Greengrass back at the helm for The Bourne Ultimatum, the third installment in the Bourne franchise, the film maintains the speed and immediacy that The Bourne Supremacy demonstrates. In this third installment, however, Bourne is back in Western Europe and the United States, and the Russian cameramen, who I thought compromised the action sequences in Moscow, are gone, and this third film is a lot smoother and easier to watch. And that's good because The Bourne Ultimatum is wall to wall action. There is no time for a love scene or even a moment to stand in one place. The plot is well-crafted and fast paced, and the acting is excellent. Even Julia Stiles, an actress I don't generally like, turns in a strong performance, and David Strathaim is wonderfully wicked and slimy as the CIA bad guy du jour. And, of course, Matt Damon owns the role of Jason Bourne. Even after just seeing him live on stage and knowing that he's really just an average sized guy (5' 10"), he is larger than life on the big screen, and his hand to hand action combat sequences are easily the best in the franchise thus far.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 00:33:49
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