
2008-02-19 6:03 am
One day,Eurydice 爬上樹摘野果給丈夫做飯。不幸的,她被一條又粗又大的毒蛇咬傷,結果中毒身亡。

回答 (4)

2008-02-19 6:12 am
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One day, Eurydice climbed up the tree and plucked wild fruit for cooking for her husband. Unfortunately, she was bit by a big poisonous snake and dead.

2008-02-18 22:13:46 補充:
漏字~~...wild fruit for cooking a meal for her husband.
2008-02-19 6:07 pm
One day, Eurydice climbs up the tree to pick the wild fruit to prepare
food to the husband. Unfortunate, she is bitten by a thick big
poisonous snake, finally is poisoned dies.
參考: me
2008-02-19 6:22 am
One day,Eurydice climbed up the tree to pluck some wild fruits for her husband's lunch.Unfortunately,she was bitten by a viper which was very thick. After a minute, she died.
2008-02-19 6:14 am
One day, Eurrdice climb up a tree to pick some wild fruit for her husband as food. Unfortunately, she was bit by a huge poisonous snake and eventually dead because of the poision.

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