
2008-02-19 6:03 am

回答 (2)

2008-02-21 6:21 pm
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Pizza Dough

Makes four 8-inch pizzas

* One 1/4-ounce active dry yeast
* 1 teaspoon honey
* 1 cup warm water, 105 degrees to 115 degrees
* 3 cups all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon coarse salt
* 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and honey in 1/4 cup warm water; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine flour and salt. Add oil, yeast mixture, and remaining 3/4 cup warm water; mix on low speed until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and clusters around the dough hook, about 5 minutes.
2. Turn dough out onto a clean work surface, and knead by hand until dough is smooth and firm, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer dough to a large bowl, and cover with a clean, damp kitchen towel. Place bowl in a warm spot, and let rise for 30 minutes.
3. Divide dough into four balls, about 6 ounces each. Work each ball by pulling down the sides and tucking under the bottom of the ball; repeat 4 or 5 times. On a clean, unfloured surface, roll the ball under the palm of your hand until dough is smooth and firm, about 1 minute. Repeat with remaining balls; cover with a damp towel, and let rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Prepare as needed and arrange desired toppings; balls can be wrapped in plastic and refrigerated for up to 2 days.
2008-02-22 12:11 am
材料 Ingredient: 12吋大 (12 inches)
1- 麵粉 1.5 杯 (All purpose flour 1.5 cup)
2- 鹽 0,75 茶匙 (Salt 0.75 tsp)
3- 暖水 0.5 杯 + 2 湯匙 (Warm water 0.5 cup + 2 tbsp)
4- 酵素 (伊士) 0,75 茶匙 (Active Dry yeast 0.75 tsp)
5- 中型蕃茄1個 (1 Medium Tomato)
6- 意大利prosciutto 6 塊 (Prosciutto 6 Slices)
7- 中型磨菇8粒切片 (8 White Mushrooms, sliced)
8- 磨碎的Mozella 芝士 1/3包 (Mozella Cheese shredded 1/3 bag)
9- 蕃茄醬 4湯匙 (Tomota Sauce 4 tbsp)
10- 意大利混合香草 1 湯匙 (Italian Seasoning 1 tbsp)

做法 Methods:
1- 先將鹽, 暖水放入大碗撈勻,加入麵粉先猜一猜, 再加酵素猜成麵團
(如果太黏, 要加麵粉, 相反即要加水)

2- 隔暖水, 將麵團在碗內, 蓋上濕布發酵約1-2個小時
3- 發酵好的麵團, 先壓一壓排氣, 然後用碌麵團的棍碌, 不斷由內向外推壓, 間中反轉餅底, 加少許麵粉再推再壓, 壓成圓型超薄底, 約1mm左右, 如果碌完變得太大, 可以用刀切除多餘既麵團變成自己喜愛的大小

4- 焗爐連pizza stone一起預熱至攝氏180度, 熱力一夠就取出pizza stone, 把猜好的餅底放在上面, 在餅面平均塗上蕃茄醬, 鋪上prosutto, 磨菇片, 意大利混合香草, 最後先好鋪上芝士

5- 放入焗爐, 改攝氏250度(焗模式) 焗20分鐘或至芝士變金黃即成

1- Mix well the Salt and water into a large mixing bowl. Then mix it with flour. Add the yeast at the end and mix them to make a dough (if too sticky, add flour, if too dry, add some water)
2- Cover with a wet towel. Put the mixing bowl with the dough in to the warm water for 1-2 hour
3- Take the Dough out of the mixing bowl. Press it and roller it with the dough roller in a flat area with some flour. Roll the dough to become 1-2mm crust. Cut off the edge with a knife if it is too large.
4- Preheat the oven along with the pizza stone to 180 celsius. Once it is ready, take the pizza stone out of oven and put the crust on it. Spread evently the tomoto sauce, the prosuttos, the mushroom, the italian seasoning, and finally, the cover it evently with the cheese.
5- Put the pizza into the oven. Change to the oven tempeature to 250 celsius with bake mode. Bake it for 20-25 mins

1- 所有材料必須要用紙完全抹乾才可放上餅面
2- 多餘的麵團可以改用作麵包條
3- 沒有pizza stone 可改用其他焗盤
4- 碌餅時記得灑點麵粉, 否則會很難碌
5- 如果要餅底香脆, 不要在pizza stone 上加錫紙

1- prosciutto, 係意大利一種煙燻五香火腿, 味鹹, 一片片好薄的
沒有的話, 用其他火腿或煙肉也可以

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