
2008-02-19 5:32 am
從前,有一對恩愛的夫婦,男的叫Orpheus,女的叫 Eursdice。他們居住在森林裏,郎才女貌。男的 played lyre very well;女的美麗動人。

回答 (4)

2008-02-21 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Formerly, there is a rightness of couple of conjugal love, calling of male Orpheus, calling of female Eursdice.They live in forest in, perfect match.The male's played lyre very well;The female's beauty is moving.
2008-02-19 6:05 am
A long time ago, there was an affectionate couple who lived in forest. The man was called Orpheus and the woman was called Eursdice. They were a perfect match. The man played lyre very well whereas the woman was charming.

2008-02-18 22:07:15 補充:
用錯字~~The man played lyre very well and the woman was charming.
2008-02-19 5:43 am
One upon a time, there are a pair of couple who are love the other side very much. The husband called Orpheus and the wife called Eursdice. They lived in a forest. The man is able and the woman is beautiful. The man played lyre very well, the woman is pretty.

2008-02-18 21:45:10 補充:
上面打錯!!One upon a time, there are a pair of couple who loved the other side very much. The husband called Orpheus and the wife called Eursdice. They lived in a forest. The man is able and the woman is beautiful. The man played lyre very well, the woman is pretty.

2008-02-18 21:46:09 補充:
上面打錯!! 5好意思呀@@One upon a time, there were a pair of couple who loved the other side very much. The husband called Orpheus and the wife called Eursdice. They lived in a forest. The man was able and the woman was beautiful. The man played lyre very well, the woman was pretty.
參考: by myself(I hope I can help you)
2008-02-19 5:37 am
Formerly, some pair of love husbands and wives, male called Orpheus,
female called Eursdice. They live in the forest □, a perfect match.
Male played lyre very well; Female beautiful is moving

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