virus and bacteria

2008-02-19 5:21 am
what is the difference between the virus and bacteria? why do the antibiotic cant kill virus? please explain briefly thank you

另外 virus點給身體殺死?


virus是animals????我記得我的老師 話唔係 so 先開一個類別的..我對嗎 請回答謝謝

回答 (1)

2008-02-20 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Virus is a very simple living organism which contains only genetic materials (DNA or RNA) coated by protein layer. It has no any biological activity such as respiration. Bacteria is a kind of acellular organism which has not only the genetic materials. Bacteria has all the biological activities like other living organism. Bacteria can respire, feeding, do reproduction. secretion. The mechanism of antibiotics is to block some of the biochemical reaction of teh bacteria so that the bacteria cannot function properly and eventually they will die. In contrast, teh virus does not have such activities, antibiotics is no use to them. The anti-viral drugs usually has the mechanism to block the reproduction path of the virus. Since the reproduction path is blocked. hey can no longer reproduce. The virus is like frozen. The mechanism is quite different from antibiotics.

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