中國動向IPO3 手, 仲好吾好楂住

2008-02-19 5:18 am
早幾日升市佢跌左3.X %已經覺得吾多對路.
今日李寧安踏都升佢跌, 走勢不太樂觀. 係咪有基金搵到D負面野, 陰跌?
但仲有個零月就有業績出, 好吾好等?

回答 (3)

2008-02-23 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are quite a lot of people holding this stock. In fact, this stock price now is very high as it passed the "high growth" period already. Apart from that, they are only act as an brand owner and they don't own any shops, that's mean, no fixed asset.

Their profit will only keep rising up approx 8-10% every year now.

2331 is to be better as they are still on the "high growth" period and their brand is getting more and more popular in the world. There is more potential to grow.

I sell it at 6.10 and then buy other stock, the return is better than I keep it. At this level, there are lots of stock to choose rather than 3818. 3818 management is also lack of experience.
2008-02-19 9:44 pm
我都有1手係抽返嚟的, 不用咁心急出貨, 等下先, 現因大市波動, 至會下跌啫, 5.5一定有機會, 而且很快奧運, 一定會上升的,
2008-02-19 6:34 am
should keep, i also got it from IPO (2 hands), and sold at 6.3, now wanna buy back when drop to $4.5, this is a good stock with good prospect, better buy under $4.5 and sell above $5.5, good luck!

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