問一d harddisk既問題

2008-02-19 4:42 am
2.harddisk會唔會影響部腦既快慢 (影響快,影響慢定冇影響)
3.底版:GIGABYTE GA-8IP1000-G 呢塊底版支唔支援到160gb 以上

唔該 急知

唔該 請以中文方式答 thx

回答 (1)

2008-02-19 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. This is TWO difference type of the IDE interface... mainly for your Hard Disk or DVD-Rom / Writer. ATA use Parallel to transfer the data and 133MB/s, but SATA use Serial to transfer the data and 150MB/s . I can say, the speed must faster. Of course.. the transfer use Serial.. that is another speed improvement.
2. YES.. 會影響, when you get the data from HD.. the difference is 133MB/s Vs 150MB/s
3. Your motherboard have SATA port... support HD size or not is NOT base on the motherboard.. is base on the O/S.... therefore... your motherboard support 160GB or above.... (NTFS format)

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