我想問D關於德國的歷史(ENGLISH please)急!急!急!

2008-02-19 4:36 am
我想問D關於德國的歷史(ENGLISH please)

回答 (3)

2008-02-19 4:42 am
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德意志聯邦共和國(德語:Bundesrepublik Deutschland,簡稱德國,是位於歐洲中部的議會制和聯邦制國家,由16個邦組成,首都柏林。德國陸上與法國、瑞士、奧地利、捷克、波蘭、丹麥、荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡共九個國家接壤,是歐洲鄰國最多的國家。

德國在1871年普法戰爭中第一次形成統一的國家。德國是第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰的發動國和戰敗國,二戰後,德國在1949年被美蘇英法四強分割為東德和西德兩部分 。1989年東歐民主運動蜂起,各國共黨政權紛紛垮臺;在四強同意下,1990年東德和西德終於達成兩德統一。

2008-02-19 4:46 am
Destination Germany


Experience new things, have fun and relax.Vibrant cities with amazing architecture, fabulous shopping and pulsating nightlife. Enchanting medieval villages and traditional wine villages with friendly festivals and regional specialities. Picturesque countryside which is perfect for walking or simply relaxing in. Castles, palaces and abbeys that are the epitome of German romanticism. Fun & sport, wellness & relaxation. A land of a thousand possibilities.

Federal States
Scenic Routes
Shopping Facilities
Trade fairs and conference venues
Health Resorts & Spas
Top Events
Places of interest
參考: me
2008-02-19 4:44 am
The ethnogenesis of the Germanic tribes is assumed to have occurred during the Nordic Bronze Age, or at the latest, during the Pre-Roman Iron Age. From southern Scandinavia and northern Germany, the tribes began expanding south, east and west in the 1st century BC, coming into contact with the Celtic tribes of Gaul as well as Iranian, Baltic, and Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe. Little is known about early Germanic history, except through their recorded interactions with the Roman Empire, etymological research and archaeological finds.

2008-02-18 20:46:21 補充:
During the 16th century, the German regions became the center of the Protestant Reformation. As a modern nation-state, the country was first unified amidst the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

2008-02-18 20:46:34 補充:
After World War II, Germany's territory was divided into two separate states along the lines of allied occupation in 1949. It became reunified again in 1990.

2008-02-18 20:46:42 補充:
Germany is a founding member of the European Union, part of the Eurozone since 1999, and with over 82 million inhabitants, it comprises the largest population among the EU countries.

2008-02-18 20:47:29 補充:
參考: wiki

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