請問一般Land Rover Discovery 3的值價多少 (新車)?

2008-02-19 4:01 am
有無人話俾我聽關於駕駛 Land Rover Discovery 3 的經驗及其價餞?
請問開 Land Rover Discovery 3過大潭水塘堤壩會不會難行(窄)?

請問哪裏有關於 Land rover Discovery 3的價格 的網站呢?





回答 (2)

2008-02-19 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
在香港有售嘅Land Rover Discovery 3有三個形號:
Discovery 3 電油版: $730,000 4.4L V8 295匹
Discovery 3 TD V6 柴油版: $480,000 2.7L V6 189匹
Discovery 3 TD V6 SE 柴油高級版: $550,000 2.7L V6 189匹
車身闊2190mm (摺鏡後為2009mm), 大潭水塘每日都有好多大形豪華車如平治S-Class經過, 而S-Class闊1872mm, 咁Discovery 3其實都係闊一寸多少少左右. 冇經驗睇位就會難D, 但一定過到.
車高方面, 如果架車係配Air Suspension的話, 最矮可以自行調校到1841mm (連行李架). 如果有加裝電話天線嘅就係1890mm. 冇Air suspension的話就仲多50mm. 好多停車場都入到, 但泊位就好麻煩
數據可以喺呢個官方網址睇: http://www.landrover.com.hk/Discovery/spec_dimensions.asp

個人經驗: 因為我公司買福特嘅產品有優惠嘅原因, 我都曾經走去試過Discovery, 個銷售員仲即場示範架車嘅越野性能. 越野方面真係好impressed, 但自己試駕後就覺得唔係我杯茶.

車身底盤高, 上車可以用"攀爬"入去嚟形容, 落車要拉住D嘢, 對老人家同小童都好唔方便.
話就話七人SUV, 其實第三行座椅真係比小童同埋矮腳虎坐, 而且張椅仲唔舒服, 承托唔夠. 又要爬出爬入. 如果經常要車六七個人就真係買豪華van好過.
用料好膠, 造工亦都唔係好. 同高級英國車嘅手工有一大段距離
駕駛感好差. 直路係好舒適, 但係一轉彎時架車傾側令到過彎顫顫競競咁過. 急剎停車嘅距離又太長, 同腳踏傳嚟嘅感覺唔實在.
如果一定描買SUV款嘅七人車, 而又唔駛去爬山嘅, 我會建議你買寶馬X5, Audi Q7, 或者等今年年尾新一代Lexus RX長陣版好過.

2008-02-19 04:10:59 補充:
這是人車誌每月更新嘅價目表http://www.caranddriver.com.hk/dynamic/carprice.pdfDiscovery 3只出了四年, 加上匯水, 減價嘅機會頗微. 除非你09年頭買08年款嘅倉底車.

2008-02-19 23:49:18 補充:
死火就唔會, 電子嘢壞機會多D
2008-02-19 5:02 am
The price listed today (18/2/2008) is $730,000 HKD include all tax and register.

If you are going to Tai Tam, It is quite wide to drive such thing through the bridge, because it is 2m wide, which you have to take about about this.

As a kid, I hope I can drive one, but I can't. But as a passenger one time, the seats are absoulety luxuary and comfortable. You can put 7 people with legs in the car properly, as my friend's parents carried me one time to go out, It put the car in a 1.9m carpark and it is OK, actually the suspension can be changed into different postion as I found in Land Rover UK 's website. As long as you got an air suspension, it is properly to put into most of the car parks in HK.
So don't worry about such problems in HK, the LR guy sold the car to you, If you got stuck, call them!!

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