English wording for "帛金"

2008-02-19 2:03 am
What is the actually english wording for "帛金" ?

回答 (5)

2008-02-19 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
[funeral ceremony money]。
2008-02-21 7:41 pm
condolence money
2008-02-20 8:34 pm
I do not think there is such English tradition of 帛金, financial assistance towards funeral costs. Relatives and friends generally send flowers and/or sympathy cards慰問咭 to the deseased family. Many people consider sending flowers should only restricted to the immediate and close relatives, and would suggest other friends to send cheque/money to a named charity organisation in the name of the deseased.用己去世人的名譽捐錢做福社會。
參考: self
2008-02-19 2:36 am
帛金是送給辦喪事的家庭的慰問禮, 西方也有此習俗, 但只簡單稱為 CONTRIBUTIONS / MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS
例如在英文訃聞結尾處常有呼籲親友 "Instead of flowers, contributions may be made in his name to XXX Charity", 即叫人把送慰問禮改為捐助某慈善機構.

2008-02-18 18:41:52 補充:
funeral ceremony money 不清楚. 究竟是喪禮用的費用, 還是賓客的現金贈禮?如果需要點出是賓客送給喪家的現金禮, 可以:Cash gift for the bereaved

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