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Names of 50 kinds of flowers? Try:
Rose, Crysanthemum, Chinese Rose, Gardenia, Peony
Peach Blossom, Plum Blossom, Narcissus, Begonia, Primrose,
Lily, Iris, Tulip, Balsam, Jasmine,
Jasmine, Sunflower, Geranuium, Morning-glory, Cosmos,
Carnation, Daffodil, Daisy, Gladiolus, Orchid
Bauhinia, Lilac, Forget-me-not, Wisteria, Azalea
Lotus, Hibiscus, Water lily, Apricot flower, Apple blossom,
Camellia, Zinnia, Lily of the Valley, Ginger flower, Rafflesia
...... 40, check out more for you
2008-02-18 18:02:03 補充:
Cherry blossom, Poinsettia, Violet, Redbud, Guelder roseMagnolia, coreopsis, cockscomb, night-booming cereus, marigold,honeyscukle...
2008-02-18 18:06:16 補充:
依次為玫瑰, 菊花, 月季, 槴子花, 牡丹桃花, 梅花, 水仙, 海棠, 報春花百合, 桔梗, 鬱金香, 鳳仙花, 茉莉茉莉, 向日葵, 天竺葵, 牽牛花, 大波斯菊,康乃馨, 黃水仙, 雛菊, 劍蘭, 蘭花
2008-02-18 18:10:32 補充:
洋紫荊, 丁香, 毋忘我, 紫藤, 杜鵑蓮花, 芙蓉, 睡蓮, 杏花, 蘋果花,茶花, 百日菊, 鈴蘭, 薑花, 大花樹櫻花, 一品紅, 紫羅蘭, 紫荊花, 繡球花,玉蘭, 波斯菊, 雞冠花, 曇花, 萬壽菊忍冬